Is there a trick to flying with keyboard or what?
I have the assisted tail rotor and assisted cyclic enabled but literally the second it comes off the helipad or runway, the whole thing just flips violently to the left/right/forward/backward and there’s just absolutely nothing I can do to keep it stable and steady.
I’ve tried some of the solutions posted here such as changing flight preset from modern to realistic and back and nothing is working at all, As of right now, For keyboard users, they are impossible to take off, let alone actually flying the friggin things.
I’d love to fly the helicopters but as of right now they are 100% unplayable in any aspect whatsoever.
Here’s a video showing what exactly happens upon takeoff.
Note : I can fly reasonably well using keyboard with airliners and some smaller aircraft but heli’s are incredibly frustrating for those of us who don’t have a HOTAS joystick or any other kind of flight sim specific peripherals.
Switch to lagacy flight model, apply and save and then revert back to modern.
And next time use the search function.
MS/Asobo are not bothered about helping you if you use a Keyboard, sadly. That’s just the way it is.
I did use the search button, I saw nothing related to keyboard flying with helicopters but plenty of posts about helicopter issues on xbox…
As a PC user I don’t believe xbox related posts are really applicable in this situation, Oh and by the way…
If you look in my OP…
I’ve tried some of the solutions posted here such as changing flight preset from modern to realistic and back and nothing is working at all
Hence why I made a new post SPECIFIC to flying helis on PC with a keyboard, Because I’d tried solutions others had posted with their xbox versions of the game, but it didn’t work, So figured I’d make a post to see if PC USERS had maybe found a solution to it.
It’s quite challenging flying an helicopter with keyboard, already that it’s not that easy using a joystick when starting with helicopters
My advice is to look at cheapest joystick like the Logitech 3D Pro for example, which brings all is needed and is not the highest expensive device
Thanks, buying a joystick currently isn’t really possible atm as I’m having to budget pretty heavily thanks to the cost of living crisis and energy costs rising almost 200% from last year, So Ideally being able to fly them without purchasing new hardware would be ideal.
I’m hoping that if there’s no real viable solution currently without purchasing controllers and such, That perhaps Asobo will look into this more in depth and make some changes to the controls to make keyboard flying more intuitive on the helicopters.
Any joystick under 50 bucks (Microsoft Sidewinder?) will be thousands of times better than using a keyboard.
You can not use this sim, with the hope of any sort of “realism,” using a digital (on or off) device like a keyboard.
Energy costs have gone up. But they haven’t gone up that much. 
Helicopters require constant (and minor) control inputs that a keyboard just can’t replicate.
Unfortunately, as others have said trying to use the digital control inputs from a keyboard is going to be extremely tough. An analogue joystick is pretty much a minimum need for flying helicopters really.
I have logitech extreme 3d and it behaves exactly like in the video. No idea what to do
Reading the whole thread might give you a clue.
I got same issue on Xbox with Gamepad and PC using a Microsoft Sidewinder. Just no control whatsoever