The newest blog post revealed that helicopters got delayed to 2022, Asobo can we get the base-code values of the helicopters like the .cfg and flt files. With this we don’t have to wait 2 years for helicopters to be officially be implemented. The community can build/convert their own helicopters and when helicopters finally do get introduced officially, the developers can update the helicopters as needed.
This sucks big time! In FSX I would fly rotorcraft 80% of the time. Two years! Ugh!
They need to delay it to 2025 at this rate. They can’t even program planes and autopilot. Make a patch note they “fixed” when they broke it even further. I for one had no issues with the 320neo. Now I have to fly it manually.
I still have to try the DoDo Sim 206
DoDo Sim 206?
Enlighten me please.
OMG man its supposedly the best most accurate simulation of rotatory in entire flight simming history.
Every review of it is pretty much 5 star.
Well thanks, that’s something new I learned today.
Can I just say I think all helicopters are evil. They’re the spawn of the devil. Kill me without mercy so they do. Fly in the opposite direction no matter what I do. Awful, why would anyone want helicopters?
Great fun though!
Just a quick thought as helos seem to be too cumbersome for Asobo, why not get Just Flight etc to port over an auto gyro (along with gyrocopter girl). It’s sort of half a helicopter innit.
Looks like I’ll be still flying FSX alongside the new sim till 2022 then, because I just can’t go without my rotary toys.
It looks like I will be using MSFS 2020 for general aviation visual flying and continue using FSX/P3d/X-plane for airline and rotary wing flying for some time to come. I’m no longer expecting airline style automated flight to work for some time in MSFS 2020.
Unbelievable! Not cool Asobo! No other Aircraft should come from you until Helicopters are included and they should be YOUR Priority aircraft development in the near future and not 2 years away. Where does that leave the 3PD’s like Milviz, Nemeth designs, and Cerasim? They will now have to shelve their projects waiting for Asobo to pull their head out. Unreal that a backyard developer like Aerofly can do a study level helicopter in a back yard operation yet a huge publisher like MS and this so called leading developer can’t deliver for another 2 years after failing to deliver at release? How can this be a true flight sim without a helicopter. Pathetic Asobo just pathetic.
Extremely Disappointing. You guys have hyped this platform up for a couple of years now and you have failed to deliver. By all calculations, you guys have made more than $17,000,000 million dollars (USD) in sales and yet you are still failing to deliver a quality product. If you purchased a vehicle like this you would be complaining your guts out and taking legal action against the manufacturer. Possibly not a bad option here as well… How about you employ some people that know what their doing in the code department. Plenty of people around the world looking for work thanks to Covid 19. I have heard you guys say that we have listen to the community and delivering an awesome product… well your only 50% of the way there and this product should never of been released until you guys had your act together… Seriously feel ripped off and gutted at the lack of commitment to the flight simulation community… Its clear that all you really wanted was to show off some eye candy and then empty peoples pockets of money for a half baked product. Pull your socks up and get your act together as this is clearly an unacceptable situation. You may have the money in the bank, buy you are rapidly losing flight simulation community members and guess what they will talk to prospective new members. p3d v5 & X-plane are still miles in front… Really something to be proud of… well done!!!
Even more passionate!
Not sure its a matter of just showing you the aircraft code in the .cfg. The engine/environment itself wont know how to deal with the different physics. Its catch 22, release the capabilities now that are not ready (and be grilled over it) or wait until it is ready (and be grilled over it)
Hey my Dude, love your stuff on YouTube - building a real sense of community there.
I’m not far from you, coming from Cahir - but no castle in the sim
Keep it up!
Yep yep yep absolutely correct on this point.
I am starting to think ASOBO just ignored helicopters from day 1 as they did VR and got the physics model so stuffed up that now it is just too hard to try and work back rotary wing effects.
There is no plan, no feedback other than a vague interest in starting rotary wing models by 2022!
It’s in the top 7 features requested yet other than some garbage about “:doing it right” nothing more has been said.
It would probably be higher priority but many heli simmers have not bothered to buy MSFS or like me simply uninstalled it while we wait for some sensible comment and gone back to DCS or Aerofly Fs2 or x plane.
"Doing it right " is a cop out and marketing spin for we have no idea what to do next but will will give you a vague promise so you can just shut up for a while .
Maybe 10 years ago, but not today. Dodosim wasn’t that great either and had its serious flaws. But that’s no wonder, the basic flight model was based on FlightSim-Bell. If I want to fly a credible helicopter with study level, then currently only DCS remains.
Anyway, until there are helis in MFS in '22, I have a good alternative. I can wait. Take your time and do it properly Asobo.
Btw, I’m going to spend the next 3 hours in DCS cruising the BlackShark (or Huey or Gazelle? ) a bit. Then I will install the UK World Update in MFS. Happy flying …
PS: By the way, you can try out all the planes and helicopters in DCS for free until the 15th.
Asobo can barely get fixed wing aerodynamics right, I don’t see rotary being a big sensation in MSFS in a very long time. I’ll continue to fly my older sims until then. I have no interests in DCS.
They are so slow
A better selection of planes wouldn’t hurt either.