Helipad Textures clashing

hello , im looking fopr some advice regarding adding custom textures to the GBZH helipad pack. Basically iv edited the .PNG files and made my own custom textures for each specific pad i have built,how do i export these textures so that none of them clash with eachother?

The problem im having is, i have made two new custom SQUARE textures,both in there seperate folders for the seperate sceneries project,however only one texture shows up on each project/scenery. it seems that maybe whichever scenery was built last,it will only use the custom texture from that scenery

You need to change their names in the glTF file

hey thanks for the reply. So should i give the custom textures a custom name,then in the gITF file input the said custom texture name into the text line of the origional texture name?

Not sure if your familiar with the GBZH helipad pack but the gITF file code looks like this screenshot ,iv tried replacing the highlighted text with a custon name,but hte issue seems to persist

The author of the GBZH helipad pack does say not to rename anything,but i figured id try and rename the PNG file and insert that PNG files name into that highlighted text , but whenever i build the packages only one of the custom textures show for both helipads.

both of the helipads are a ‘square’,so share the same model,but there both in there own seperate folders and iv renamed the custom png’s etc

im at a loose end :upside_down_face:

Yep know that package

you have to change the URI (and the name) according to the new name of the texture

the author doesn’t suppose you have multiple helipads :slight_smile:

will give it a go now mate. In the working folder for scenery projects ,do you just have the texture you want to use only ? or do you keep all the other textures in the folder to i.e the cricle,hexa,octo textures?

in the PackageSources/modelLib-name/texture you can have everything,

the game compiles only the texture used in the gltf
(that’s the reason why they get overwritten unless you change their names :D)

ok so i’ve just given it another go,same result unfortunatly. I have made 2 helipads,one for manchester wythenshaw hospital and manchester royal infirmary,both have different custom textures i have made for them

Now wythenshaws helipad is the ‘square pad’ only (no structure,just pad). The MRI hospital helipads is a ‘square’ (with the structure)

So ive built these two projects,iv gone into the gITF file and edited it with wordpad to change the URI’s and the Names

however when iv installed both projects into my community folder ,only wythenshawes custom texture will show up. When i load to the MRI helipad scenery,it just reverts itself to the default Red ‘‘GBZH35_Helipad_Square’’ texture

im baffled :joy: :joy:

I should add iv even tried deleteing the Red ‘‘GBZH35_Helipad_Square’’,but it still sniffs it out somehow from somewhere lol

by the way when in the scenery editor ,the helipad Square (with the structure etc) shows up with the default texture ,and the Square ‘pad only’ (helipad with no structure0 Shows the wythenshawe custom texture :man_shrugging:

i set up a demo model lib for you so you can see how to set it up


  • copy the folder GBZH35_Helipad_Square
  • take away from that the square_net and square_pad related files and move each one to a folder by their own
  • copy over the GBZH35_Helipad_Square folder as many times you need, renaming them
  • in each folder, rename the .xml, change the guid, rename the .gltf according to the .xml name
  • in the .gltf files, change the name of the “uri” : “GBZH35_Helipad_Square.png” with the name of your texture
  • and of course in the texture folder add you custom texture

hi mate this is great thank you for the guide. It works great with the ‘‘GBZH35_Helipad_Square_1’’ which is one down!. But the problem is when i just load the ‘‘GBZH35_Helipad_Square_Pad’’ (pad only,no structure) it still reverts to the default red texture or no texture at all (just the pink and purple squares),not custom one. Iv gone into the 3D Object file and edited in text editor the ‘‘uri’’ to the custom texture name.

i have no idea what im doing wrong! :exploding_head:

it seems as tho textures get overwritten with different textures with or when i build a new package maybe?

p.s When you say edit name of the .xml,what do i rename, the actual XML file name or the contents of the XML? cheers mate

hey its me again, a question: is there some sort of temporary cache/bin within the sim or SDK?
Im still having problems with these custom textures,so i tried something, i deleted a custom texture ,but when i go into the project editor and select one of the helipads in the objects window,suprise! the texture i deleted is the only one that shows up?

im so confused at the moment! im sure im probably making a silly mistake somewhere

Both, the name of the file and the guid contained in the .xml

About caching,
In the project delete PackageInt and Packages before compiling when doing modifications

ahhh right ok! And what do i change the Guid too in the .XML??

You can use this kind of tool

If you need some guidance, you can join my discord