Help cant sign in to navigraph

Hello all of a sudden I cannot sign in to navigraph hub in my laptop where I run MSFS,

I keep getting the message unable to sign in with the device flow. network error

Everything was running well in the morning and now all of a sudden, it’s impossible to sign in even restarting over and over the program and the computer
I have changed nothing no antivirus no blocking anything and everything running in Google Chrome. I can login with my iPad, but not with my laptop.
Please help
I have unlimited subscription and is fully paid Automatic renewals

Tried looking in the forum, but found nothing that could help
Any ideas?

Hi @dadasuper4490,

I’ve moved your topic to the Miscellaneous category as the Forum Navigation category is purely designed for tutorial style posts explaining to users how to utilise these forums in the best way.

For your specific issue I would advise directly contacting Navigraph support via their official channels.

Best Regards,

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Is there a specific reason you ask us and not Navigraph support? My experiences with them are seriously good.

Did you see this post:

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