Help me understand airspaces - class c -

so I was just planning a vfr flight with littlenavmap and navigraph. after takeoff, route takes me through control zone of eddk köln bonn airport (class d max 2500ft). after leaving the control zone, there is class c airspace 2500ft-fl100 (fine) but then there is another class c airspace following (fl065-fl100). Do I have to climb to 6500 ft now? Or can I just stay at 2500+? because even before being able to reach 6500ft Im leaving the airspace again. what is this good for? thanks for any help!

Class C is still controlled airspace.

If your looking for uncontrolled airspace you need to stay below the Class C.

Hard to tell for sure, but the 6500’ zone seems to be providing a Class G corridor below 6500’ . An aircraft flying VFR could transition East-West , not above 6499’ without entering controlled space.


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