Help please, where should I post?

Can someone please point me to the appropriate forum for an answer.

I have a problem in that I purchased Microsoft Flight Simulator from the Microsoft Store. After the latest update to the Microsoft Store, it does not work for me. I won’t be able to update MSFS or any other app from the store. Can I manage future updates to MSFS from the Xbox PC app?

Also during the updating to SU7, my Antivirus program interfered and am having problems with MSFS. The simplest, yet most time consuming repair, is to uninstall MSFS and do a clean install. Can I do this from the Xbox PC app?

I rarely post in forums, anywhere, so would greatly appreciate being pointed to the appropriate forum topic for my questions. Or possibly someone could kindly reply to this post directly.

G Python61

You could try this:
Log out of the store and xbox app
Restart pc
Log into xbox app and store
Look for updates in the store

Hopefully this helps (it did for me).

@GPython61 Welcome to the forums!

The forum has a search function where you may query what interests you. This is a good start. Also, there is a section where issues and work arounds can be found.
Microsoft Flight Simulator Support (

I did a quick search and you may want to look here. Hopefully this will help.

Again, welcome to the forum, we are happy to see you.

Nothing I tried fixed the problem with Microsoft Store, until I conversed with MS Support via chat. They suggested the best option was to upgrade Window 10, which meant overwriting the operating system, but leaving all settings in place. This operation, although time consuming did work and Microsoft Store now works faultlessly. I would have hated to have to reinstall Windows 10 from scratch.

As for MSFS, I have only had one short opportunity to try it since overhauling Windows 10. Previously whilst flying in MSFS using VR it would crash after a minute or two. After the overhaul, I was able to fly in VR for around an hour without a single crash, good news.

Now I have to check on the other minor problems I was encountering with MSFS to see if they too have been resolved.

Thank you to the two respondents for your replies.



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