Help! SDK disappearing ground textures

Over the last year I made some sceneries for MSFS with the SDK:

But there is a strange problem with my custom ground textures: If I install more than one of my own sceneries, the ground textures won’t load. As soon as I only use one of them, everything is working as supposed.
Everything else (3d-models, runways, taxiways, etc.) is working perfectly fine.
I checked all the files if there are any duplicated GUIDs, wrong file names or something similar. But I found nothing.
I have really no idea what is causing the textures to disappear.
Does anyone have a solution?

The tutorial I used to add my custom ground textures:

Thanks a lot!

You need to have specific/unique path for each scenery
All have them, for Materials, are


Change them to something like


Same is for the models

You have


It should be


The Services are packed in the wrong way

The source path must be


Where ICAO Is the ICAO of your airport

The above will prevent issues with every other Airports

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Thank you sooo much!
I’ll change all those things in my sceneries!

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