HELP - Trying to purchase Premium Deluxe Upgrade

So I clicked on PDU in the Marketplace using ‘Buy & Download’ and I got the notification “PDU purchase is pending” but nothing happened. Restarted game twice more and tried twice again with same result.

OK I thought, I bought the base game off of Steam I’ll buy PDU there. Well it costs £30 more on Steam, but I added it to the cart anyway. Went to checkout, but it won’t let me buy it because it says I already own it! I do NOT own it and only have the base game and I tripled checked that I was definitely selecting PDU to the cart.

However, after digging into my Steam account purchases I see three failed purchases using ‘credits’ for today, which I presume are the failed Marketplace purchases.

So can anybody offer a solution or an explanation of what to do or what’s going on?

Many thanks in advance.

Do you run the sim as administrator? If so: DON‘T! This is known to be prone to failures. Especially failing marketplace transactions are linked to it.

You can try to open a zendesk support case. The support team was able to fix similar issues in the past for several users.

There is a help article on this issue.
Help articles are found under the “Support” tab at the top of the page.


Thank you TheSevenflyer that solved it!

I didn’t have Steam Overlay enabled.

Once again many thanks.

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