Help Us Choose Our Next Aircraft! Vote for Your Favorite from Our Selection or Recommend Another One

Dear MSFS Community,

We are excited to announce that we are considering introducing a new aircraft , and we want your help in making a decision. We have several options in mind and would love to hear your thoughts on which one you would like to see implemented in the simulator.

The options we are considering are as follows:

  1. Boeing 737-200/300
  2. Cessna T206H
  3. C-130
  4. Comac C919
  5. Boeing 787
  6. Boeing 727

We would love to know which of these aircraft you would like to see in MSFS and what specific features you would like it to have. Is there any aircraft on this list that you think would be an especially exciting addition for the MSFS community? Or is there any other aircraft not on the list that you would like to suggest?

We look forward to hearing your opinions and feedback! Your input is invaluable to us as we continue to improve and expand the flight experience in MSFS.

Thank you for being such an important part of our community!


Cristian Fonseca


Yes, C-130


I may be missing something in my view of this page, but I’m not seeing a list to choose from from your options, unlike I guess the C-130 suggestion above?

Also, we need to know your track-record/history. What have you released thus far for MSFS, and what if anything do you specialize in? Also, what type of target market to you cater to? Casual, mid-range, or “study-level”?

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I don’t see a list to vote from but if you’re taking suggestions I vote for the Bombarder Dash-8. It’s an excellent twin turbo-prop, popular around the world for its versatility and carries between 30-70 passengers depending on variants.

All vote for the Dash-8

UPDATE. Since we can’t have a Dash-8. I’ll vote for the 737-200.


I’m not familiar with your company. You’re not on the internet as far as I can tell. You said “Next aircraft” to your “fleet.” What aircraft have you made, and for what simulator? Where can I find your current addons? That would help me decide what aircraft you might be best suited to make. A poll with some aircraft you’re considering, as others are mentioning, would also help.


Post updated!

C-130 or T206H

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Thanks! I’m still curious what other addons you’ve made?

My vote is for the 727 or 737-200/300.


We are just starting in this field, will be our first Aircraft.

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When you say “we are considering introducing a new aircraft to our fleet” it makes it seems that you already made a few aircraft for MSFS.


Tell me a little about ADC.

What are your design strengths: Interior/exterior modeling? Flight dynamics? Systems depth?

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Ah, I think the confusion comes from this line, unless by “our” you mean MSFS users in general.

The 206 is close enough to the 207 that I probably wouldn’t buy it, so I would pick the C-130.

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I would say C-130

Perfect, thank you!

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If you manage to create a virtual cockpit for it, then you are already doing better than your peers!

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Everything except the COMAC jet and the 737-300 (specifically the 300) are being developed by other developers with an established track record:

  • Boeing 737-200 by Blackbird/Milviz in development.
  • Cessna 206 by Carenado (not sure precisely when, but it’s on their list)
  • C-130J by Blackbird/Milviz. Maybe if it’s an H or earlier that would work.
  • Boeing 787: we have a continually developed Asobo model + Kuro
  • Boeing 727 by Simworks Studios already in development.

So, considering that you guys don’t have a dev history to draw from, and you’re competing with very well established dev houses, I would look at two options:

  1. Integrate yourself if possible with these dev teams, kind of like what SimWorks Studios did with PILOTS for the DHC-7.

  2. Work on something else, following market research on what would sell. I would recommend something like the Fairchild Metroliner, Cessna Skycourier, or even a rotary wing development such as a Sikorsky S-92 or SA330 Puma/Super Puma, for example.


These kinds of opinions are really valuable for us, thank you so much!


In order:

B-737 200

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I think all most of us ask is that you do your research regarding who’s already making certain products (actively making or with a very high probability of release regardless…not counting those devs who declare then sit on named products for 3+ years), and that you guys don’t oversell your intentions and abilities. The hype over “pick our aircraft” will get traction, but you’re going to burn any trust you build if you can’t deliver a portfolio soon.


I understand all the concerns. Perhaps I didn’t make the intention clear. The purpose of this post is to conduct a benchmark study to understand the preferences of the community regarding airplanes and identify areas for improvement in the current market. We have developed cockpits for A320, CRJ700, ERJ190, and ERJ145 for VR purposes, and now we would love to start working on MSF implementation.