Help with Custom Camera Configuration in MSFS2020

:page_facing_up: Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Detailed Steps and Trials
  3. Configuration Table
  4. Additional Observations
  5. Help Request

:memo: Overview

Note: I know how to modify the camera views assigned to LALT+1 and confirm that they work as expected. However, I decided to configure the views assigned to LCTRL+1 instead, as many mods use similar key bindings (LCTRL+1, LCTRL+2, etc.). This approach ensures I can keep the LALT+1 combinations free for other custom uses without overlap or confusion.

Please note that I am new to the process of modding and configuring custom setups, and I have not previously worked with these settings. I have tried to troubleshoot and find solutions on my own as much as possible. However, despite my efforts, the camera configurations are not working as expected in the simulator.

In this project, I have been working on creating a custom set of cameras in Microsoft Flight Simulator (MSFS) to allow easy access to various viewing points inside and outside the aircraft. I based my work on functional modules from the community and official MSFS documentation, but despite my efforts and adjustments, the cameras aren’t working as expected in the simulator.

2. Detailed Steps and Trials

2.1 :hammer_and_wrench: Step 1: Initial Setup

In the Aircraft Editor, I started by adding custom interior and exterior cameras for different positions around the aircraft, such as the cockpit and exterior zones.

2.2 :mag: Step 2: Comparison with Functional Modules

I downloaded a functional module to compare my cameras.cfg file with the one in the downloaded module. In the simulator, only the cameras assigned to LCTRL+1 through LCTRL+9 and LCTRL+0 are visible, just as expected. However, when I examined the cameras.cfg file, I found additional, unknown cameras that don’t appear in the Aircraft Editor and aren’t accessible through the standard configuration in the simulator. These extra cameras raise questions about their purpose and functionality, as they are present in the file structure but not visible within the regular configuration interface.

2.3 :test_tube: Step 3: Testing Generic Names

Tried renaming custom cameras using generic names like PilotView, Outside_Nose, Cinematic_Nose, and adjusted categories to standard values (e.g., Pilot, FixedOnPlaneExtern, Outside), but they still didn’t appear in the simulator.

2.4 :jigsaw: Step 4: Separate Test Project

To avoid modifying the main project, I created a separate test project called TestExteriorInteriorCameras, replicating the settings of the functional modules and adhering to recommended coordinates and categories. However, the project still wasn’t recognized in the simulator.

:file_folder: Folder Structure Overview

The following is the structure of the flyhstudio-a320campack camera module, placed in the Community folder for MSFS:

└── flyhstudio-a320campack
    β”œβ”€β”€ ContentInfo
    β”‚   └── flyhstudio-a320campack
    β”‚       └── Thumbnail (Placeholder image or icon)
    β”œβ”€β”€ SimObjects
    β”‚   └── Airplanes
    β”‚       └── FNX_320_CFM
    β”‚           └── cameras.cfg  (Main configuration file for custom camera views)
    β”œβ”€β”€ layout.json
    └── manifest.json

:open_file_folder: Additional Configuration File

To provide more technical details and facilitate the diagnostic process, I’ve attached a relevant configuration file for this topic. The file includes all settings and modifications made for the custom cameras and the exact directory structure as configured in the simulator.

How to Access the File:

  • The attached file can be downloaded for direct analysis by the community. I hope this will help in identifying any potential configuration errors or settings that may prevent the cameras from working correctly.

Note: The file is provided solely for testing and diagnostic purposes. Any changes or adaptations made based on this file should be done cautiously and tested separately to prevent potential issues in the simulator.

πŸ“₯ Download Configuration File

File Description:

  • File Name: cameras.cfg (or the specific name of your file)
  • Location in Directory Structure: Community/flyhstudio-a320campack/SimObjects/Airplanes/FNX_320_CFM
  • Purpose: Custom camera configuration to provide access to additional viewing points in the simulator.

:clipboard: Configuration

Here’s the configuration table with simpler formatting. This should work better in forum environments where tables are not fully supported.

Main Project Configurations

Camera              | Category           | Sub-Category | Initial XYZ                          | Initial PBH                                   | Zoom
COCKPIT_OVERVIEW    | Pilot              | None         | X: 0.186 Y: 2.932 Z: -16.981         | Pitch: -5.207 Bank: -2.100 Heading: 30.961    | 0.947
GATE_CCTV_VIEW      | FixedOnPlaneExtern | None         | X: 21.580 Y: 2.256 Z: 42.748         | Pitch: 177.004 Bank: -176.492 Heading: -33.356| 0.219
CARGO01_VIEW        | FixedOnPlaneExtern | None         | X: 29.871 Y: -1.663 Z: 61.959        | Pitch: -179.652 Bank: -176.783 Heading: -26.775| 0.031

Test Project Configurations

Camera              | Category           | Sub-Category | Initial XYZ                          | Initial PBH                                   | Zoom
CINEMATIC_NOSE      | FixedOnPlane       | None         | X: 0.000 Y: 1.550 Z: -5.050          | Pitch: 12.000 Bank: 0.000 Heading: 179.000    | 0.550
OUTSIDE_NOSE        | FixedOnPlaneExtern | None         | X: 1.100 Y: 1.550 Z: -4.600          | Pitch: 16.000 Bank: 0.000 Heading: 181.000    | 0.700
COCKPIT_OVERVIEW    | Inside             | None         | X: 0.200 Y: 2.900 Z: -17.000         | Pitch: -5.000 Bank: -2.000 Heading: 31.000    | 1.000
GATE_CCTV_VIEW      | Outside            | None         | X: 21.600 Y: 2.250 Z: 42.700         | Pitch: 178.000 Bank: -177.000 Heading: -34.000| 0.300
CARGO01_VIEW        | Outside            | None         | X: 30.000 Y: -1.700 Z: 62.000        | Pitch: -180.000 Bank: -177.000 Heading: -27.000| 0.050

:mag: Additional Observations

  • Coordinates and XYZ, PBH Settings: To match functional modules closely, I fine-tuned the coordinates and rotation angles, ensuring correct positioning in the aircraft.
  • Camera Names and Categories: Used standard names and common categories (e.g., FixedOnPlaneExtern, Outside) in test configurations to check if compatibility improves, but results remained the same.

:pray: Help Request

After testing multiple configurations, my custom cameras still don’t work as expected in the simulator. Here are my questions for the community:

  1. Are there specific naming requirements for cameras to be recognized in MSFS?
  2. Are there compatibility limitations with categories like FixedOnPlaneExtern, Outside, and Pilot?
  3. Are additional files or settings needed beyond cameras.cfg and manifest.json to enable custom cameras?
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This seems impressive but overwelming, what you show here how you want to do
I dont see unique guid numbers, to corresponding windows.

The way i do is much easier after some trail and error but i think i have fair result with this.
!!!Before u start!!!
Backup the airplanes own cameras.cfg before editing. But leave a copy in the airplanes simobjects folder.
Start the sim and select the airplane you want to edit on cameras view
Start the flight on the airport of choice, start dev mod, select debug β†’ aircraft-> camera blend
Top left is the unique guid nr when you press left control plus a number like 1 up to 0
You can predefine 10 viewpoints (actually 11 for l ctrl and 1 has two viewpoint)
Open up camers.cfg with notepad and searchbar fill in guidnr (last four of the string will do) and search for it
When u find than you can edit initialzoom for distance zoom in or out world surrounding for that particular window
Now you can change InitialXyz= and InitialPhb= numbers to archive your viewpoints and angles the way you want.

After change made save and reload the airplane from dev mode menu aircraft selector and you will see the change you made.
I know it is intensive proces can be frustating some time but worth doing.
Note upfront to set up overall zoom and height also translate view to the seat you want
And note these down because to avoid unwanted fisheye result.


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:movie_camera: Video 1 - Installing and Testing the Fenix Module

In the first video, I installed the Fenix module, the aircraft I want to fly. I loaded the game according to the provided instructions and activated the camera profile to analyze the camera setup in the Fenix configuration. I tested the cameras, and indeed, when accessing Developer Mode to view the cameras and their positioning, the GUIDs do not appear in the top-left corner, though they are visible in normal mode.

:gear: Note: If the settings were correctly configured, GUIDs should also appear in Developer Mode. If my mod were functioning properly, I should see the GUIDs once I press LCTRL+1, just as it appears in the Fenix mod.

:movie_camera: Video 2 - Analysis of a Downloaded Mod

In the second video, I analyzed a downloaded mod that functions correctly. I observed that, in this case, the GUIDs are numbered differently, and the cameras are configured in a simplified manner, from 0 to 5. This indicated to me a different approach to configuration.

:small_blue_diamond: Goal: To create a similar mod where the cameras function independently and do not interfere with existing settings.

Steps Taken:

  1. I placed the downloaded mod in the Community folder.
  2. I copied the cameras.cfg file into my project for analysis and loading within Aircraft Editor.
  3. In the first part of the video, I tested this mod’s preset cameras and compared them to the Fenix setup.

:pushpin: Key Observation: In this mod, the cameras are numbered from 10 to 20 and function without overwriting or altering existing configurations.

:movie_camera: Video 3 - Testing My Custom Mod

In the third video, I followed the same procedure, removing all unused mods, leaving only the Fenix module and my custom mod active. I reviewed my project and found that my mod did not bypass the Fenix cameras as the previously downloaded mod did.

:memo: Conclusion: My mod is not yet configured to function independently. I need to further adjust the settings to achieve the desired outcome and to ensure an effective bypass of the Fenix cameras, similar to the downloaded mod.

:mag: YouTube Research

I also searched for relevant guides on YouTube; however, most tutorials only cover manually saved camera positions, accessible via LALT+1 and similar shortcuts, without addressing configurations like those for LCTRL+1. This setup process appears to be more challenging to configure than I initially anticipated.

:pray: Thank you very much for taking the time to provide such a detailed response. I want to make sure my requirements were clearly understood and that my explanations were sufficient. I would greatly appreciate it if, after reviewing my response and the videos, you could confirm whether any additional adjustments are needed or suggest any further steps I should take.

Not a solution to your problem, but just wanted to point out you can use the markdown table syntax to render tables :slight_smile:

Camera Category Sub-Category Initial XYZ Initial PBH Zoom
COCKPIT_OVERVIEW Pilot None X: 0.186 Y: 2.932 Z: -16.981 Pitch: -5.207 Bank: -2.100 Heading: 30.961 0.947
GATE_CCTV_VIEW FixedOnPlaneExtern None X: 21.580 Y: 2.256 Z: 42.748 Pitch: 177.004 Bank: -176.492 Heading: -33.356 0.219
CARGO01_VIEW FixedOnPlaneExtern None X: 29.871 Y: -1.663 Z: 61.959 Pitch: -179.652 Bank: -176.783 Heading: -26.775 0.031

Thank you for the input, Pieter! However, in this case, the structure of the table is less relevantβ€”the real issue is the functionality and accuracy of the settings in the simulator. I appreciate you pointing out the format, but I was hoping more for solutions that address the technical problem described. The table is simply an example to illustrate the settings, not the core issue. Thanks for the suggestion, though!