Help with Deicing and Anti Ice procedures: Fenix A320 + GSX PRO

Hello everyone, I need your help.
Icing effect with Fenix A320 is not working for me. Crushed 20 times.

Scenario: Fenix 320 + GSX PRO (With MSFS Icing effect ON)

Flight: Winnipeg CYWG/31 to CYQT
Passenger Count: 65
Freight 1000kg:

1. Take-off setup: speed/flex/fuel/fob/weight/etc: everything as required / calculated.

2. Before Pushback
When Deicing is offered: YES
*Deicing Type: recommended (by GSX PRO) *
Engine start: after push back is finished.

3. After Pushback
Engine start: 2 Avail
Engine start: 1 Avail
First error: MFD for N1 Vib: 8.0 (flashing)

*4. Takeoff configuration Flaps+1 *

5. On the runway.
With or without anti-ice for engines, wings and windshield - everything goes’ to haywire.
- During the takeoff its very hard to control the plane.
- Immediately after takeoff - crash is guaranteed.

- If you mange to takeoff you get random failures:
a/ CHECK ALT (frozen?)
b/ A LOCKED (flaps 1+F locked)
c/Incorrect speed

Deicing procedures.
What am I doing wrong?*

Thank You!


All questions about “Deicing and Anti-ice procedures for Fenix A320” are answered in this video that I highly recommend.

  • Lots of details - learned a lot.
  • I wanted to share here, if possible.

Thank You.


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*Some updates. Apparently you must disable Icing effect for Fenix A320.

I never managed to have a successful (Fenix А320 + GSX-PRO) takeoff with De-icing procedure enabled.

MSFS2020 > Options > assistance options > failure and damage > Icing effect: ON

I crushed like 20 times with all those failures, described the picture bellow. Once, I managed to takeoff (with failed airspeed and A-lock - Flaps+1 locked) and after 40 minutes I climbed to 22K. Suddenly out of nowhere both engines died, no power no anything. Crushed again.

from Reddit: Fenix tends to not engage with any system in the sim they don’t like, (see also: just not having WX radar rather than using the simplistic one asobo provides) and they don’t like the current icing model. So, the Fenix A320 is programmed to ignore icing; except, there’s a bug with that where the pitots will freeze in icing conditions anyway. Only way to deal with that is turn icing off completely in the sim.*

MSFS2020 > Options > assistance options > failure and damage > Icing effect: ON / VISUAL / OFF

With VISUAL - everything works fine.