Hello! I have been flying the C4, A320, and now the Boeing 747-800. When can simmers be blessed with flying the Concorde? Any thoughts on Sims for and Aircraft Carrier?
There are a couple of 3PD’s working on the Concorde at the moment, however I think they are all waiting on a sim update that will allow MSFS planes to break the sound barrier.
DC Designs is has a simple version due for release later this year.
WIP shot released earlier this weekend. A loooong way to go to being published, but this is the model in full gLTF format, flying in MSFS. At this moment in time, there is enough SDK and performance to be able to bring her fully to life at a moderate level of systems detail. I am hoping that Asobo bring us proper support for afterburners and supersonic flight though to really start to round things out and provide the platform I need to do a more complete job of Concorde.
Moving this to #third-party-addon-discussion:aircraft as this section is for stock Asobo airliners only. Thanks.
Thanks, I noticed but only after I’d posted