Hickups after WU 4

After the latest update my performance is bad;
With my i7-10700k and GTX 970 i get a reasonable 30fps but every 2 secs the screen freezes for a few ms and then continues.

Anyone had the same problem?

Area; Netherlands area
Plane: A32NX
I cleaned video drivers and reinstalled them
Nvidia FXAA is off
FS settings are medium
Steam Version

Have you tried switching off the multiplayer functionality? This resolved the stutters for me.

I had a similar issue so I turned off V sync and it’s very smooth great FPS even in clouds.

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only near airports ?

Then may be you have same:

The problem occurs near airports. When i turn off multiplayer the stuttering is gone.

So at this time multiplayer is unusable!
Can anyone tell that this problem is known by Asobo?