Hide livery decals

…or allow users to create their own and edit the default ones.

The Extra is a perfect example of how annoying and confusing the decals can be. I have learned how to hide the main livery decal - make a white colour and transparent (black) alpha. But the manufacturer’s decals are problematic:

  1. I made a decal of my own to replace the Extra logo (just to experiment) - on the default livery it looks like this:

  1. The same decal on my wireframe tester looks like this:

i.e. the livery detail does not show - it is the same decal as in the first picture.

  1. Also - with the main livery decal hidden, the prop spinner loses its reflectivity and surface texture.

  2. If you don’t make the main livery with a black alpha, then this is what the model looks like:

Please, Asobo, let us completely hide the decals and make our own if we want.

Afterthought: Could the white background on the Extra 300 LT Logos be due to Asobo making tif images? Does that mean I must use Photoshop to export ####.TIF.DDS textures?