High GPU usage and temperature

Yes that is what I use too as it also shows the Min and Max temps so one can see the temporary spikes vs the average.

If that’s his hotspot temp he is almost icy.

I think you meant to respond to CptHarry?

I think I am dafter than I look … of course I meant to :flushed:

Fixed now (kind of)


I use MSI afterburner for temperature measurement

Thats because the RAM chips on the backside of the card overheat. 3090’s have terrible cooling in that respect, even for the Strix or FTW3 Ultra classes which have some of the best coolers on the market.

Even a repad gives marginal results that are IMO a waste of money.

Either watercooling using an Active Backplate, or a custom heatsink-styled backplate is the only thing that will keep a 3090 cool even at stock clocks before artifacts occur due to overheated memory

IMO the 3090 is one of the worst cost/performance ratio GPU’s on the market that reminds me of the Titan cards - especially if you’re not using it to take advantage of the additional VRAM through the use productivity software


Since SU5, my ancient i7 2700k based PC has been running like a rocket compared to before, but I was beginning to worry about temperatures of both CPU and GPU (Nvidia 1660 Super) I was amazed at what I found, after downloading MSI Afterburner and Corsair Link.

CPU after a two hour flight and still flying, 46C across all 4 cores. GPU on same flight: Was 75C but after ramping the GPU fan to 80% went down to a stable 60C and this in an ambient temp of around 23C. I can live on until it breaks at 40FPS and when it finally does, it won’t be temperature related.

I’m laughing so much, like, this one is :joy: :ok_hand:

It’s still normal and isn’t damaging your gpu, don’t worry. Check vram temperatures too, those should be higher, up to 90C is safe.

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