Hiiumaa island Eiffel Tower wooden replica

Hiiumaa is one of the islands right to Estonia
& an online friend who lives in Estonia had a grandma who lived on Hiiuma ,north in Kardia & asked me to check if the wooden replica of the Eiffel was there ,on the west side of the island.Unfortunately after an hour searching the area I couldn’t say I found it & the park where the replica is located is one of the major things worth visiting on the island ,so I was told.Would have loved to find it.
Now with the world update in france getting the Eiffel tower,it might be easier to make an altered wooden version of the one on Hiiuma
Location Hiiumaa & more info https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hiiumaa
A Picture where the tower is located from google maps

The area I found ingame & location on the VFR map

Just trees where the tower is supposed to be it seems
It is a beautiful island though & would love to see it ingame some day