Historically important aircraft - Sikorsky S-38 news!

Something has apparently happened to him. Given how tight knit the FS community is, I think it’s weird nobody knows where he went (I thought he was developing a plane for the 40th anniversary?). This is the same developer as did the Boeing 247, and we have heard neither hide nor hair from him since a couple of weeks after that plane was released.

Hopefully his absence from these boards is no worse than a choice he has made - people get sidetracked from their hobbies and passions with real world intrusions all the time.
Let’s hope it’s nothing more than that.
I’ve seen Vitus take long breaks from FSX too - I always took it to mean he was immersed in either a new project for the sim or an intrusion from his day job

He does have a history of just dropping off the face of the earth for long periods of time leaving things in an unfinished state. Just look at his Lockheed Vega for FSX/P3D.

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Okay thanks. Realize the connection to Wing42. There was quite a discussion on AVsim a little while back. The website is down too. Unfortunate that there is no mention to the public given the nature of the business. Health, job, family, rest from the hobby, timeframe …. just a statement would fit the circumstance and be better all around.

He used his S-43 on the Colorado River practicing water takeoff and landings in preparation for flying the Hercules. At least he felt the thrill once!

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Howard Hughes was an historically significant figure…a tragic one, of the industrial age.

Getting back to the original topic - Igor Sikorsky remains a most important aviation figure and all of his aircraft - fixed wing, or rotor - deserve attention in MSFS. If not in the 2020 iteration then for sure in the 2024 sequel. Already his absence is a glaring omission.