You can make the front view without the cockpit panels if you first define a custom camera and add a 1 to its z value.
FS2020 with panel on second monitor
Type AltGr (right), then take the cursor to the glass panel (the cursor will be another sign as normal, perhaps +), you wish to separate and click it on, then do it to the next panel and make the same. So you have a panel with MFD, ND and Engine for the A320. See the picture with 3 glasspanels
its working, thank you very very much
Dear Asobo and Microsoft Developers,
first of all thank you very much for this wonderful piece of software ! I am truly impressed what you have created and this is the best flightsim I have ever seen.
However I fully support the posts above as for all home cockpit builder, and there are many out there, it is an absolute must have to create multiple views like P3Ds viewgroup functionality.
We all would highly appreciate if you can take this up and implement it.
Please !!!
Thanks a lot and best regards from Germany
Where do you add a 1 to its z value?
I reckon the lack of multi-monitor support points at Microsoft’s intended market of those using it as an arcade game on a TV. Let’s hope multi-monitor support, ForeFlight integration, etc are upcoming.
Instructions by user DizzyBasket7278 (MFS2020 forum):
You move as far forward as you can, looking forward over the dash.
Then create a custom camera (ctrl / alt / 0) .
Exit the sim.
Then take a look in the aircraft folder created here …
C:\Users"Your ID"\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\SimObjects
There should be a folder with your aircraft and a cameras.cfg file within
Backup this file.
Load the original cameras.cfg file and edit the InitialXyz = xxx,xxx,xxx at the bottom of the camera definition.
In my case, I changed this…
InitialXyz= 0.029418, 0.099884, 0.379973
to this …
InitialXyz= 0.029418, 0.099884, 1.379973
I added 1 to the 3rd number against InitialXyz and saved.
Reload the sim and load your aircraft.
Thanks. I appreciate it.
+1 for actual multi monitor support. Asobo/Microsoft said they would cater to the home cockpit builders, yet this most basic feature for pretty much ANY home cockpit is missing. I’m running 3 x 55" screens with 90 degree offsets and Nvidia Surround is not a satisfactory solution because of the terrible distortion on side screens and missing view angle.
Look to X-Plane 11, that’s the way to configure multiple screens.
i tried X-Plane 10 and saw that multiple computers were needed to do multiple screens. Is v.11 different in that regard? Also have the X-Plane people solved the so-called nVidia stretch?
yes to both!
you can use separate pc’s or not and yes theyve fixed the distortion in x11
I bought this sim on the promise that multi-screen capability would be available. Having watched the Cockpit video produced by Asobo, which clearly states that this would be available, and like most other cockpit builders, the impression I got was that it would be available at the time of release.
I have used X-Plane for many years and they have really nailed the multi-monitor capability. MFS 2020 is a next generation flight sim, and has extreme possibilities. However, we need the multi-screen capability as a matter of urgency. Once promised it should be provided.
Please, please make this function an urgent request, or you may have simmers migration back to X-Plane!!
In the recent developer update there is mention in the Developers Feedback table “Top Wish List” - Peripherals Support / Advanced Setups - IN PROGRESS. Don’t suppose anyone knows whether this will include multiple display support?
This guy explained it very well…please add support for multi monitor setups.
Hi everyone.
While you are welcome to continue your discussion about the need for multi-monitor support here, I encourage you to go to this topic and upvote it: Multiple screens functionality.
I ran X-plane 11 with three monitors and it worked well indeed, and ran it on one computer. I think the feature is a must for FS2020 since the scenery is so great. Hate the thumb switch.
I agree 100%.
Link to question regarding multi-monitor support for the upcoming Q&A session on 30th September: Multiple display support. You can cast your vote to increase the likelihood of the dev team addressing the question.
This is without the visuals of the airplane, but with full function at normal seat position which u can slide to left or right front or backyard just how you like.
Have fun
I would not want to call it hardcore but realistic. MSFS should be able to be used as a FNPT II. If it comes at a price, I am willing to pay