Honecomb yoke 45o turns

honey comb yoke 45o turn becomes a steep dive in Cessna 152

Errmmm… yes, and what exactly is your point?

If you are implying that you are not making a level 45deg turn if all you do is roll in aileron…. then you need to go back to basic flight lessons :wink:
I can fly steep turns to CPL standards using the HC Alpha. So it’s not the yokes fault.

Let’s please be respectful of other users. Not everybody here has taken flight lessons or understands the aerodynamics involved.
Thank you!

Keep in mind that a 45 degree bank will tend to make the nose drop, so make sure you pull back enough to keep the nose on the horizon. The nose will not stay on the horizon on its own at that bank angle. Generally, at 45 degrees, the plane will also want to keep increasing the bank angle on it’s own, even after you’ve neutralized the ailerons, so be prepared to add some opposite aileron to keep the bank angle where you want it to be. It’s a dance between keeping the nose level, and keeping the bank from increasing. Watch your rudder inputs as they will also affect roll/bank/nose location at those angles.
Takes some training time to get it smoothly done. Keep at it!!


That’s good advice. You also need throttle input, as pulling the nose up to maintain altitude in an aileron turn will scrub speed.

That was respectful and in jest. But I guess even that is already too much these days.
So if I ruffled feathers I do apologize. I will simply ignore this sort of posting in the future.

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Way politer than the original post btw. I don’t react to posts like that anymore at all. Yours was neutral and to the point and with some advice on where to get explanations. Don’t worry.

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Actually that was part of what triggered me, the possibly unintentional accusatory tone that this doesn’t work with the Alpha.
I actually know real world pilots that have 1000+ hours in their logbooks and still can’t fly a properly executed steep turn😃
But as I said in the future I will simply ignore this sort of post and let others deal with it.

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It’s easy to write a simple question with a question mark and a minimum of politeness. But well…

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