Honeycomb Alpha and Bravo dimension template needed for custom cockpit

I want to make my own cockpit similar to the Flight Velocity Pro Series Model 4 (too expensive for me) and I was wondering if anyone had the dimensions, or better yet a template, for the Honeycomb Alpha and Bravo so that I can make accurate drawings and cuts.

Any help would be great.



They are on the Honeycomb website, customer support - help centre - dimensions.

Sadly, it doesn’t help. I need the dimensions of the trapezoidal cutout I’ll have to make to surround the yoke (and throttle)

Does this help any?

I don’t have the precise dimensions but I can offer one caveat. If your layout involves placing the Alpha and Bravo close together (ie less than 5 cm) make sure you check the clearance between the yoke and the gear handle when the yoke is fully forward (nose down) and turned fully to the right.

Mine were positioned about 1 cm apart (at the closest point near the bottom of the Alpha) and the yoke made contact with the gear handle :grimacing:

I know you haven’t been in the forums for a few months, but hopefully you can see these. Make sure you click on the diagrams so you can see them at full resolution:

Alpha (source: flyhoneycomb.zendesk.com):

Bravo (source: flyhoneycomb.zendesk.com):

Thank you!!!

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