Honeycomb Alpha&Bravo

Oh thanks, you learn something new every day. Thats why I like these forums for helpful hints and tips.
My fsuipc did load automatically when I started MSFS then for some strange reason it stopped so I have to load it separately. Dont know why.

Well as I said the Aerosoft Light Fix installer for the Bravo is the culprit. It ‘should’ append to the exe.xml file but instead it overwrites it, knocking out the FSUIPC auto start, and the entry it does make is incomplete and doesn’t work. I’ve reported the issue to both the FSUIPC team (so they’re aware of it) and also Honeycomb.

Here’s what you need to do… find your EXE.XML file, on my system it’s here -


Open it with Notepad and check the content, chances are it only references AFC_Bridge. If that’s the case or it also has reference to FSUIPC you can safely overwrite it (i.e. create a new file) containing the following -

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="Windows-1252"?>

<SimBase.Document Type=“Launch” version=“1,0”>Launch




Obviously, the paths for your FSUIPC and AFC_Bridge locations should reflect your system

FSUIPC and the Bravo light fix will now be loaded automatically when FS starts

I’d advise making a copy of the file in case something else overwrites it

Hope that helps

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