Honeycomb alpha joystick button 1 switches view although nothing is assigned to it

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Brief description of the issue:
I have a honeycomb alpha yoke. I use “joystick button 1” (left mic switch) to activate voice attack (an external app) for using voice commands in VR (I only fly VR). Nothing is assigned to it within MSFS as far as I can see (I went to control option, then alpha yoke, nothing is assigned to “joystick button 1”.

But when I press the button, a weird change of view happens in VR. For curiosity I also tried 2D. There it toggles between using the mouse to pan around, and using the mouse to click stuff.

Hope that makes sense, it’s a little tricky to explain.

How can I make this stop (started happening only since today’s update)? I need this button for voice attack, and don’t want it to do any action in MSFS 2020…


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Hello @PathlessSpore60,

just to make sure, can you set the filter options in the binding menu to show all and search by key in the filter menu?

Yes, that’s one of the things I tried

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Will try with my Yoke and see if I have a similar issue.
Unfortunately as I can currently not start MSFS this may take a while,
so maybe others can test if they have the same issue.

I moved your topic to #bugs-and-issues:hardware as the issue is hardware related and added a few tags.

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I figured it out now: Even though nothing is assigned to joystick button 1 in MSFS, the following happened:

I use joystick button 1 to activate voice attack. But voice attack doesn’t recognize my joystick. So I used another app to map joystick button 1 to middle mouse click, which voice attack recognizes. But now that we have to use the mouse default profile in MSFS, this profile had assigned mouse middle button to all these undesired view changes:(

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Closed topic as the solution was found.