Honeycomb Alpha...lag on switch?

I’ve looked all over and can’t find this mentioned anywhere else.

I’ve got about a one second delay with any of the 5 bottom left switches when turning them off…down. On is fine, just off.

On the windows control panel “thing” Properties? where you see all the little red dots, it’s fine.

Not a huge deal, just an ocd thing lol


Unfortunately I have the same problem.

Have you found a solution?

This has been an issue since day one with any controller, along with the throttle lag. Clearly Asobo doesn’t care, and not many people around here do either for some reason. Who knows when it will be fixed.

I noticed the Master, Battery, and Avionics 1 switches are fairly responsive. However, Avionics 2 is really delayed and somewhat inconsistent (sometimes it seems to turn itself off or never turns on). This was within both the 172 and peripheral configuration menu.

Has anyone else seen this behavior? I’m worried the yoke I have may be defective.

Here it is 2023 and I haven’t seen this mentioned since this thread. How have people not noticed this? Is it just normal to flip a switch and then have it turn on or off a second or more later?

I have had the Alpha xps (new model) now for about 3 weeks and have not noticed this happening to be honest.

Maybe it’s happened (?) and I’ve not noticed though. I’ll double check next time I’m on the sim.

It affects my homemade switch panel as well. Pretty much all switches do it. Sometimes it responds as it should, other times you have to wait a long time. It’s strange. Thank goodness it’s not axis lag!

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I’ve never encountered this. I use the Alpha via spad.next for the axes and switches, though, so I can’t speak to the built-in bindings system.

I have the same issue. In msfs2020 there is a lag, but through Spad.Next there is no lag at all.