Honeycomb Alpha sensitivity


Anyone with Honeycomb Alpha Flight Controls finding the sensitivity too much, especially with pitch? Just a small input and the airplane reacts aggressively. Tried to put sensitivity to -30%, but I have no idea which setting is the most realistic.

Which settings are you using with Honeycomb?


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Also have issues with this. Rudder is also crazy sensitive. Where is the sensitivity setting?

I went to -50% on the Pitch, -25% on the roll and -70% on my MFG rudder pedals.


I don’t know if things have changed since August, but I just got my Honeycomb Alpha yoke and to get the movement to match what I expected (and what the on-screen yokes do) I had to increase sensitivity from 0 to +66%.

With sensitivity on both axes at +66%, roll and pitch seem to behave as I expect and match the on-screen yoke.

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how is it working now? Just got my alpha and find that all axis are slow in working What is all your settings on all axis?

Can you post a screenshot of them?


(UPDATED 2021-02-21 I’m going back to linear from this, as I think it’s actually the on-screen yoke display that may be wrong. I compared against X-Plane 11 which seems to have about the same response to the linear input, but displays the on-screen yoke in the C172 perfectly aligned with my Honeycomb Alpha’s physical position. So I think it’s best to leave it at linear – 0% sensitivity on all axes.)

Here’s mine:

The +66 sensitivity is to compensate for the curve that Flight Simulator appears to insert between what it shows you here and the actual yoke or control stick. With this set, a C172’s simulated yoke roughly matches the movements I make on the Honeycomb Alpha yoke. (Without the sensitivity setting, it moves much too slowly near the center and much too fast near the edges.)

[Note this may be a bug in the display in MSFS. X-Plane has the same response to the linear input but shows the yoke moving correctly as expected with no modifications. I’ve switched back to using linear input.]

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can you post a screenshot of your settings