Honeycomb Alpha XPC Recognise as Alpha

I have the Honeycomb Alpha XPC yoke using it on Windows 11. The software recognise the yoke as Alpha and not Alpha XPC. How to troubleshoot this further? Thank you.


After looking around, it appears that it only shows up as an XPC when connected to an XBOX, when connected to the PC it just shows up as the normal Alpha.

It’s not a problem I think. I have the same and it is an XPC. Never owned the other one.


The XPC has 3 buttons below the starter and those are blindable in MSFS as stated in this starter manual from Honeycomb. The number schemes are totally different as well compare to the Alpha.

I wish to mimic this setup since I don’t have the throttle.

Are you sure the Xbox buttons are bindable on PC? I tried that but MSFS doesn’t register any inputs when I try to assign them to something. Have you actually gotten that to work, including the main Xbox button?

Also note that the image of the yoke in the controls menu (as seen a couple of posts above) doesn’t label those buttons with numbers, so I doubt it’s even possible.

PS: Also found a reddit thread where people are saying it’s not possible. Wish it was though!

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It’s becoming clear to me now. A YT video where this creator was reviewing the XPC yoke did mentioned he was connected to the xbox and that is where I saw it stated …XPC on the MSFS option menu. The xbox buttons below the starter is for xbox use only. PC will not register these buttons. The pdf I posted above threw me off thinking I can bind it on a pc but it is for xbox console.

What about the master & avonics switches?? The color sets are reversed from the actual Yoke device and what MSFS diagramed it in the game.