Honeycomb -- any rumors?

As far as I know, it’s been 100% radio silence from them since they updated their website on Feb 5th. Anyone know anyone who knows anything, even rumors? Contract manufacturers? Mostly just curious, really want to buy bigger clamps for my alpha but the XL clamps seem to be the one product that’s truly sold out worldwide.


I’m waiting for June 24th the promised date that charlie rudder pedals pre-orders are supposed to ship.

Its been crickets since that was announced Feb 5th.

I don’t have a pre-order, but I will be making a large tub of popcorn.


What are the XL clamps for, extra thick tables? How thick a table can the stock clamps handle?I’m considering the Alpha XPC atm.

Too bad about Honeycomb. I had orders in early for the Alpha and Bravo controllers but after 6 months of no shipping I cancelled my orders and went with other manufactures. They seemed genuine at first and then they seemed to just go downhill rapidly. Hopefully someone will pick up the pieces and resume the manufacturing and selling of the products. I doubt the Charlie rudder pedals will ship…

Yes, I have an Ikea Malm desk and the clamps provided with the Alpha XPC just barely fit with a significant amount of muscling, like down to the mm and the clamps have to be on the base plate before it goes on the desk. I sanded a bit off of the underside of the desk and it helped, but installing/removing the alpha is still a huge pain. OTOH the clamps provided with the Bravo have a few more mm clearance and that makes a world of difference.

FWIW the desk I’m using is 2" thick, so pretty fair to say that’s the max that can possibly work with the default alpha clamps.

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The good news is that some have gotten their refunds they asked for from Snakebyte. The bad news is basically everything else right now.

I think I have the same exact desk and it is 2" thick. The bad news is that their XL clamps will not work either so don’t bother buying them! I had ordered them and the minimum setting on them is more than 2" so the XL’s eneded up being too large for my desk!! You would think they would have designed them so that the minimum is equal to the max setting on the default clamps. I ended up selling them on Ebay. Doesn’t matter much anyway since my Honeycomb broke and ended up getting the TM Boeing yoke which is much better IMO…

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That’s a hilarious bit of product design fail. I suppose if it’s close a strip of cork or something like that could work?

I think the minimum setting was 3.5" so it was a pretty big gap. I think I tried a few different things but ended up being too much of an issue. I’d love to know who has a desk between 3.5" and 5.5". It really was a terrible design flaw. They would not even accept a return on them…

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I canceled my Charlie order and switched to thrustmast TRP

I noticed that Honeycomb was not listed as an exhibitor at the FS Expo from the map they just released. I was expecting to see them or Snakebyte (who I have assumed to be the new owners since Honeycomb is listed as one of their companies on their website) but nothing. I suspected that the 24 June Charlie date was so they could have some presence at FS Expo concurrently but I’m beginning to think they might be gone.

On a side note, I noticed an unexpected vendor with a double booth: Moza Racing. As far as I am aware they don’t have anything that could be considered Flight sim related, it seems like they make pretty good Direct Drive FF wheels and other car sin stuff, is there scuttlebutt about them entering the fray of flight sim that I missed?

3 weeks out from June 24th and not a peep, no hype, no nothing. Other companies in the flight sim sphere start their hype campaigns months out.

FWIW Aerosoft still has the Alpha and Bravo and can ship from Germany to the east coast of the US in under a week.

But tech support is still iffy and they had a lot of “manufacturing problems” at one point so “no”. I like what I have and see no reason to change…FWIW

Hi all,

HERE and HERE you can read what is commonly known about the Honeycomb affair.

Seems to be an ongoing struggle between the original owner and his former “partner” in business to gain control over what is left of the company.


So I emailed Honeycomb and they replied in a day claiming they’re going to meet the 24th date. Of course no guarantees until customers have them in-hand but seems like a very good sign for the company? Might just be too short-staffed to have updated the website.

Have you considered mounting the Alpha/Bravo under the desk? I love this setup.

My cockpit:


Frees up the desktop, and puts the yoke and throttle much closer to the proper height.

I bought the mounts on Etsy. You have to drill a couple of holes in the bottom of the desk, but with a 2" thick desk you’d be gold. And each controller has two thumbscrews holding it to the desk that make it really easy to remove. There is a slight bit of wiggle, but it doesn’t bother me at all.

Example pic:

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I got the same one from etsy but I’d need to loft my desk at least 6" or else the yoke is going to be right in my crotch

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Yoke crotch is a condition not to be taken lightly! :open_mouth:

Fortunately my chair is adjustable enough so it’s not a problem for me. But to be honest I’d buy a new desk if necessary to keep my Honeycomb yoke and throttle. I had the Logitech before and while it did the job, it’s nothing compared to the Honeycomb. We’re going to be moving soon, and you can bet they’re going to be packed with some serious padding after which they’ll find their place in my backseat and not trusted to a moving company. :slight_smile:

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I received an unsolicited email from honeycomb stating I should receive my order within 2 to 3 weeks. However, they have the order wrong. I ordered the Charlie Pedals not the Alpha Flight Control XPC. I corrected them. Let’s see what happens. They also offered a refund if I wished.

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