Hello, can anyone tell me if they have problems, with the engine lever back all the way 1? It gets up but the cowling doesn’t work I think, or the reverse thrust. Thank you
Hi @policarmelo7549,
What peripheral are you using?
Bravo Honeycomb
Thank you! I have moved your topic into #self-service:peripherals and altered your title to reflect the Honeycomb Bravo and issue. If I have the title wrong, please feel free to change it.
No è giusto,grazie
do you mean the reverser levers on the throttle levers ? Are you referring to a specific aircraft?
No problem with mine using the CRJ, and no problem with mine using the detent reverse on the Twin Otter, so I’m not sure exactly what your problem with it is…
Yes in any aircraft, which uses reverse thrust
There are good tutorials on youtube for this reversers. Long time I used the Bravo because I only fly the fbw at the moment because for me there is no plan which uses the alpha and bravo that us interesting for me.
If I remember correctly the bravo and the reverser work with buttons and no axis. This buttons habe to be mapped correctly in msfs, also if you go back to idle. But on youtube there are good videos fpr every kind of aviation.
Try this guy.
Yes, I mapped it, I think it’s more a hardware problem that doesn’t work, because engine No.2 works, one, no.
Does the 2nd lever work if you move it in msfs?