After adding support for the Honeycomb Alpha XPC for Xbox, I would love to have proper support for the Honeycomb Bravo.
Although the controls all seem to work, all the lights are not working. The annunciator panel is not usable as of now and the auto pilot panel can only be partially used properly because the lights do not work yet.
In PC there are drivers to enable the lights but on Xbox there is no such thing so Asobo needs to implement native support for that.
Please add support for the peripherals so we can properly fly on Xbox.
Thanks for the incredible work you are doing Asobo/MS on this wonderful sim.
I have reported this to Honeycomb in the past. Today I asked for a status and received the following information:
“Unfortunately, the latest update from Microsoft did not include the lights software for the Bravo Throttle Quadrant. Due to the complexity of each aircraft, the software will need individual lighting profiles for proper functionality. Microsoft is currently working on this now and we expect to have this ready by the next update.”
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Any further news on this anyone.
Any confirmed fixes coming in this SU 12 update
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I have no news, but SU 21 is moved out to March 21. If it’s fixed, it will be a full six months since I received the device.
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It’s really annoying if this is ignored in this update.
It totally removed the immersion and quality of the product by not having annunciation lights or gear lights.
No information other than a vague message saying it “should” get fixed in SU 12
Fix it Asobo
Pay some needed attention to Xbox simmers
Seems that another sim update is passing without proper native support for the honeycomb bravo. Bravo lights not working in SU12 beta on Xbox.

good to know. was just about to pull the trigger on the alpha and bravo and thought i’ll check a few sites to see how it works with the xbox from real users. ok so if the lights wont be working with su12 then i’ll rather wait until all is working as it should to have the best possible experience, hopefully in the not too distant future
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Honeycomb states in the faqs that support for the bravo lights might come with SU13/SU14.
This issue was not mentioned in the last development update (was before), does anybody know why it’s not on the list anymore? Don’t forget to vote for this bug report/fix wish if you are affected.
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I wouldn’t hold your breath mate my advice
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Something strange happened now. I had IAS button light up with cessna longitude. Quadrant was acting up though while button was lite up. Anyone else have this happen?
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My bravo lights on my xbox have started working after tonights update
Which update and does it only work on a specific plane? I installed all available updates. Still all the lights on the bravo xbox stay off.
Thanks! I can confirm some of the lights are working in sim update 13 beta. There was a short flickering of the auto pilot lights, but they don’t show the status and stay off. The photo with them on is from a different thread und just for reference.
Hello, has anyone been able to test how the lights work since the official release of the SU13 last week ?
Thanks by advance
Just noticed that the AP lights are working for the first time on the latest beta (XBox X)
After the recent update - All of the lights are working on bravo !
Thank You Asobo / Microsoft / Honeycomb Teams !!