HONEYCOMB BRAVO throttle & BARON reverse thrust question

I use the Honeycomb ALPHA & BRAVO.
While flying the A32NX, I have the BRAVO set to where I have reverse thrust and it works fine.
I am confused here tho when setting it up for a turbo prop like the BARON.
My settings are as follows:
THROTTLE 1 and 2 DECREASE are set to JOYSTICK BUTTON 26 & 27, the same as with the A32NX Profile.
Here’s my question… when on the ground, if I pull back on the two throttle levers past the detents, nothing happens.

  1. Am I supposed to get some type of reverse thrust from the engines while reversing the props?
  2. Do I need to have a setting on the PROPELLER menu to reverse the blades?
  3. What effect should I be looking for? Thanks

interested to hear this one, But I think if you are talking the Default Beech Barron, piston engine twin, I don’t believe it has reverse thrust,

the turbo propped Beech King Air should have reverse thrust.

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That may be where I am confused here. I was under the impression that I could reverse the blades and apply power to get reverse thrust.

I know the DC-6 has reverse thrust. I know the TBM-930 has RT, all the jets (CA) have it. It been years since I flew any Business jet so do not remember if they did (assumed they do). Military fighters as a rule do not have RT, but big transports do. I don’t fly Airbus anything, but all do have RT.

The Cessna’s do not (152/172). I do not fly any of the others. However, you can (never used the GA levers in mine-only the commercial levers-ok-did setup profile for 152-172 but never used it), so in planes which have RT, I would use the commercial levers, because they have a lever to engage RT built on those. That will allow you to bind them to RT as you want. Remember to change profile in game prior to flying different types of AC.

I had the Bravo, I sold it because I did not like that I could not custom configure and big reason, too big for desk space. I purchased the Virpil TM-3, and I have a button configured on Throttle 2 (many buttons-levers/hatswitchs) on device, bound to RT, in all the planes I fly. I have the same button setup that way in FSX and X-Plane 11. I have posted an in-depth assignment and config for the TM3 under peripherals section of this forum. As mentioned, planes have to be built with RT for it to work.

Oh, this is personal choice, but after watching lots of videos on how to setup the device. I started out with the most complex setup plane I was going to fly, and then copied that profile down to simpler and simpler planes till I had my “hanger” configured. Why, because it’s way easier to delete a button/lever than to setup one. So, I started out with something like this “747-C-17-4-Engine Jet” and then worked my way back to “787-F-14-2-Engine Jet”, then you just remove items to make the second profile work. I ended up with not even having to remove levers, if I just changed the profile in game from 4 to 2 engine, since the levers for 3 & 4 were not setup. I then never had to reconfigure the device. Again, too big for space. With TM-3, I do not have to configure anything other than main profile for 4 engines- since I have to bind the two physical levers to any/all engines on plane flying anyway. Just change profile from 4 to 2. Hope this makes sense. All the buttons/switches/flaps stay same for all. IF RT is not enabled on plane, just do not push button since it would have no effect anyway.

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Simple short answer:
Default Baron is not capable of reverse thrust.


The Baron has piston engines, not turbo props. It’s not capable of reverse thrust.


New to forum. I just bought and connect same setup. Alpha and bravo. In Cessna 172 the yoke on screen shows and sits at left but my yoke is center normal position. I can rotate yoke and yoke on screen moves . But when I let go, yoke on screen turns and sits at 90 degree left.
I went to controls settings everything looks normal. What am I missing?
Ps I’m on my cell and cannot see how to create a post? Thank you

Have you done an initial calibration of your Alpha in Windows? If not you should start there.

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I guess with a constant speed prop on the Baron, you cannot rotate the blades to give RT. Thanks for the insight.

Got it. No I have not

The device in MSFS does not need to be calibrated if you installed the drivers for it. They are on honeycombs website. Install them for each sim you have installed. They each “stand alone”.

Then you need to create a profile in Control Settings for the yoke, in the plane type you are flying. For instance. Create the following profile type, configure the yoke for it, then after completing with Yoke, you must also create one for Bravo if you have it too. Down the road, you are more than likely going to want to fly 4 engine planes, create that profile first. then create one for two engine planes. Keeping jet profiles separate from combustion engine types. My first profile was for Cessna 152/172, but then realized, it would be way easier to create most complex one first and work myself backwards toward simplest type.

I named mine something like these examples below. Check out “Simhanger on Youtube” for setting up profiles, his is the best explanation, video was over year ago, so you are going to have to hunt for it.

Examples: "B747-C-17-4 Engine Jet; B787-F-14-2 Engine Jet; TBM-930-1 Engine Turboprop; - The above all have reverse thrust (sans the F-14), and the TBM has auto prop pitch depending on engine thrust. Do a separate profile on the Cessna’s and any other single engine combustion engine plane, none of which have RT. Almost any plane with variable pitch prop, might have RT so become familiar with it before configuring profile.

Good Luck.

Hi. I just did initial calibration. X IS IN CENTER of square when done. See images . I cannot figures this out

Have you tried loading into another aircraft?

Stupid question here, if you rotate the yoke through all its travel, will it move. NOTE, at rest, powered off, the yoke will turn to one side or the other, because of wind and gravity. THAT is normal for those small planes. That has not been mentioned here yet. I suggest you watch some videos on real Cessnas planes and see that in RL.

I’m not sure if that is modeled yet. Seems that I have seen this same issue in previous sims year ago. Maybe try an uninstall of the peripherals and reinstall. Then un-assign the axis in MSFS. Of course, you have probably already done this. Is it only happening in the Cessna?

In fact, I don’t know of any General Aviation, ‘non-turboprop’, propellered, aircraft, that have the Reverse Thrust ability.

There may be some old commercial and military propellered aircraft, (circa 1928 to 1940), that had some form of RT ability and yet not have turboprop engines…

But even then, I’m not so sure of that. I know that the old radial engines of a DC-3 (and C-47) didn’t have reverse thrust abilities. So, if I had to guess, I’d say that none of those early gas-engine, commercial and/or military planes, had RT ability either.

The Beechcraft 58 engines take the high octane fuel used for standard aviation gasoline engines. Constant pitch propellers really have nothing to do with RT capabilities.

I mean, a fixed pitch prop certainly couldn’t work for use in RT, for a Turboprop aircraft, so in that sense, if a plane has turboprop engines, it’ll have a variable, (or constant) pitch prop. But a constant pitch prop on an aircraft doesn’t necessarily mean it must have RT ability.

The “Beta-pitch, or position” change would rip the gasoline engine apart. On the other hand, if the engines are turboprop, then they very likely have RT ability.

In fact, I drove tractor trailers OTR/48 for about 6 years. All the trucks I drove had a minimum 3-stage “Jake Brake”. I’m not sure, but there may even be some trucks, (used in steep-mountain areas) with 5-stages.

A Jake Brake (or diesel ‘engine brake’), is a kind of ‘reverse thrust’. The engine brake reverses the compression in several selected cylinders, depending on the stage the driver selects.

A 3-stage system would incorporate compression reversal in one, two, or all 3 cylinders, simultaneously if the driver selected the maximum position. Stage 1 & 2 are easy enough to hear and ignore, but in full stage 3, you’ll hear a very sudden, loud, report as the driver takes his foot off the accelerator. It’s loud enough to make other ‘4-wheelers’ jump if they’re not prepared for it.

I’m sure everyone has heard that at one time or another. It sounds like the truck is running straight pipes with no muffler. A lot of small towns prohibit trucks to use engine brakes in the towns limits, (even though many inexperienced drivers tend to ignore that ordinance).

Anyway, my point is that the same engine brake system in those diesel engines cannot be used in gasoline engines, at least, not to the degree or level of effectiveness that the Jakes in those trucks have.

The gas engines run at too high an RPM and I’m sure the engine would quickly wear out, if not simply throw a rod. Reverse thrust in a plane with gasoline engines would wreck the engines even quicker.

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My specialty in the Navy was Hydraulics and I had little to do with engines as a whole. While going thru flight training, we had small Lycoming horizontally opposed engines, very easy to work on. Great info you posted. Thanks

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The Lycoming engines are some of the best! I don’t know why, but I always found it so surprising that they made a very dependable diesel engine for big-trucks.

If my memory serves me right, several Volvo/White Semi truck models had them when I was driving, (1989 to 1996), though I never drove a truck with one.

They may not have had the HP of some of the big ‘Cats’ (Caterpillar) back then but they were known for dependability and these days, they may have some 500+ HP engines. No reason why they wouldn’t still be making engines for trucks IMO.

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Those Lycoming’s are great however I will never fly with a ROTAX. Seen way too many fatalities and crashes with those as a power plant.