Yes, there are bugs. One with the G1000. Using the Rotary Knob for setting Course, Altitude or Heading, there are only 10 Degrees Steps (with Course and Heading) or 1000 feet steps with the Altitude. Using the Knobs in the Cockpit, 1 Degree and 100 feet steps are possible. It’s a known Bug with the Alpha Yoke and Classic Cockpits but now it’s also with the G1000, using the Bravo Throttle Quadrant.
I’m willing to live with that. But hopefully that will get fixed. Still patiently waiting for mine to arrive. This quadrant is exactly what everyone needed, decades ago.
(85) MSFS 2020 Heading Bug BUG: Explained! - YouTube
This covers it, HC and or Asobo/MS need to reconfigure the switch/button formula. Going to be present a while. Watch Video.
I know that bug. But i never had it with the G1000, only with the Classic Cockpits. But now with the Throttle, it appears too. But only with the Hardware Knobs. And not in any case. In the 172 G1000, i had the big steps. Changed to the Beechcraft Baron 58 and i had the normal steps. Something is clearly messed up by Asobo. In XP11, it’s working better, so it’s not Honeycomb.
Nope, it’s implementation in the Sim, is what is causing TQ and Yoke switches to not operate properly. I have not gotten my TQ, so Have not investigated if any workaround is possible.
Think Asobo/MS has been informed of the switch/button issues, just not sure fixing, reprograming them the correct way is in the pipeline. A driver for MSFS 2020 has not been released by HC, so not sure if it’s something HC can just do in a driver release, or if it’s a reprograming of the implementation of the switch/button algorithm. Since Video shows it is many switches buttons, hope it get fixed soon.
There is a direct symbiotic relationship between the peripherals and the simulator in that “you scratch my back and I will scratch yours” if that breaks, then it won’t be aftermarket developed much after that is realized.
From that video, it appears that this is something that MS/Asobo are going to have to fix (change the way they treat two position switches). HC can’t really fix it, other than by deactivating/unmapping the two position switches on their yoke or throttle. I also noticed that when my Thrustmaster Hotas Warthog throttle is plugged into my system, the accelerated functions on trim appear on my Yoko+ yoke. The Warthog has two position switches like the HCs. If the throttle is unplugged, then the trim button works as you would expect.
It’s Software, not the Hardware. In XP11, there is no such problem with the Yoke or the Quadrant. The problem exists since the first Alpha Builds. Asobo/Microsoft had to fix this but i think, it’s not a small fix. It’s the way they designed the Interface and the Interaction with the Hardware. There is a lot to do. In the Peripheral Command List, there is a Mix of old FSX Commands and new MFS Commands. And i often see only Toggle Functions and missing the ON/OFF Functions. A Nightmare for Cockpit Builders. Maybe we need external Software for mapping some Functions correctly.
Using the Honeycomb Bravo, I’ve noticed that when you press the HDG button to put the autopilot in heading mode, it also sets the bug to the current heading. This makes it impossible (as far as I can see) to set a heading first, then press HDG to make the AP turn to that heading.
I don’t think it should work that way. I should be able to dial in a heading first. Am I wrong?
It does not behave this way using the mouse to click the panel HDG button.
Agreed. This is particularly a problem when lining up to land.