Honeycomb Bravo throttle quadrant LEDs AFC bridge

Thanks for this thread. Following the discussion, it did not work for me, neither did Royston’s mod.

Eventually, something told me maybe I need to delete the EXE.xml file other than deleting the AFC bridge in the community folder before re-install… then finally it worked… except the AP Light in the FBW A320 does not light up when in AP. The other mode (HDG, ALT, etc) lights up okay… will try Royston’s mode again later…

Hope this additional info helps (or makes sense).

Update: While A320FBW AP light still does not work, the light works on PA28R and likely others. Hence maybe its a FBW A320 specific binding or something.

Something out there is going round corrupting everybody’s exe.xml files. I’ve seen many corrupt files now. Typically the initial <SimBase.Document> element is missing. That’s so common that I’ve now taught the BetterBravoLights installer how to automatically fix that problem! :slight_smile:

The standard Aerosoft Bravo lights software has one fixed configuration (so can’t adjust from plane to plane) and it doesn’t support the ‘L:’ variables needed to make the FBW A320 settings work. That’s why I wrote BetterBravoLights. But even BetterBravoLights needs specific configuration to make the FBW A320 lights work properly, and it’s not straightforward.

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Boy, I am I glad I found this post. My father called me in despair that since he installed the AFC_bridge none of the cockpit instruments worked anymore. It turns out that the AFC_bridge installer not only removed the <SimBase.Document> tag but also plainly deleted all other entries, including the FSUIPC startup entry that was used to power all other cockpit instruments.