Honeycomb Bravo Throttle Quadrant trim wheel suddenly very insensitive (as of World Update 4)

Optimally you would use the option that matches the airplane you fly in. Some have electric trim, some don’t. The problem here is that the rotary encoder in the Bravo has a much lower frequency of “switch presses” than just holding down a switch. That’s why it moves so slow. So let’s say holding a key generates 50 presses a second and turning the wheel at any speed max 5. The sim should provide the option to have several events bound to a control, like 1 button press - produces the “trim up” event 10x. That way you could change the speed to suit your needs.
Right now you can do that with 3rd party tooling.

There was some acceleration previous that mitigated this, but then caused the 10 deg bug. Since they removed that now the trim is very slow. They need a smarter approach / more options. Especially that Honeycomb is a “partner” (whatever that means), so their devices (only 2) should work perfectly out of the box.

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For those who have FSUIPC, here’s how to fix the trim wheel. FSUIPC is, frankly, way over my head and I’m sure there’s a more elegant solution, but this worked for me this morning after a couple of hours of trying to figure it out:

  1. Bind your trim wheel elevator up/down assignments in FSUIPC. You may even want to unbind them if already bound, then bind them again so they go to the bottom of the list in the ini file (I think that’s how it works).

  2. Go to your main FSUIPC7 folder, mine was C:\FSUIPC7

  3. Open the FSUIPC7.ini file in a txt editor (I use Notepad ++)

  4. Look in the subsection “Buttons” and scroll through your assignments until you see something that looks similar to this:

63=PB,22,C65615,0 - {ELEV_TRIM_UP} -
64=PB,21,C65607,0 - {ELEV_TRIM_DOWN} -

  1. Now, the first numbers (63 and 64 in this case) must be sequential through the list, so if your assignments are followed by others you’re going to have to change all of the following ones so there are no duplicates (hence the suggestion to unbind and rebind the trim assignments).

  2. All you have to do is copy/paste these two lines of code as many times as you want to get the desired number of repeated strokes! For example, before the heading bug was fixed it was likely doing 10 presses for each 1 “press” of the trim wheel. I decided to use 5 repeated presses and it works really well, as I can make relatively large adjustments quickly when extending flaps, but can also fine tune the trim so there are no oscillations during cruise. I may tweak it to 6 or 7 but whatever, it works great and I finally have control over the sensitivity of the trim wheel. I showed you what mine originally looked like above, here’s what it looks like now:

63=PB,22,C65615,0 - {ELEV_TRIM_UP} -
64=PB,22,C65615,0 - {ELEV_TRIM_UP} -
65=PB,22,C65615,0 - {ELEV_TRIM_UP} -
66=PB,22,C65615,0 - {ELEV_TRIM_UP} -
67=PB,22,C65615,0 - {ELEV_TRIM_UP} -
68=PB,21,C65607,0 - {ELEV_TRIM_DOWN} -
69=PB,21,C65607,0 - {ELEV_TRIM_DOWN} -
70=PB,21,C65607,0 - {ELEV_TRIM_DOWN} -
71=PB,21,C65607,0 - {ELEV_TRIM_DOWN} -
72=PB,21,C65607,0 - {ELEV_TRIM_DOWN} -

Just copy/paste the commands as many times as you want to get it to perform the desired number of presses for each small rotation of the trim wheel. I hope this helps someone else out, I am THRILLED!

Please fix this soon

Largely agree re FSUIPC, but to correct you, you can adjust the parameter registered for every “button press” of the trim wheel and hence make it as sensitive or not as you wish. Appreciate that’s not exactly the same as an axis but it has a similar effect. What it means for me is that the fix to the 10 degree bug hasn’t changed how sensitive the trim wheel is

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Good solution. There happens to be an example in the manual that I found that I used to make it work where you can set a parameter for every time you “press” the button so that you effectively adjust the “lengrh” of the press. I’ll try to find it and share it here later

I’m going to start setting up the C172SP in Xp11 tonight and see if the trim wheel works out of the box. It seems that I never have to do or spend much time in Xp11 to get going unlike MSFS 2020.

100% agree here. was SO sensitive before, its feeling sluggish now at “normal”. IMO its 10x better / easier to manage now.

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To follow up with my reply above about testing the Bravo on XPlane 11 (Steam latest version), I mapped the two trim settings from the picture below and the trim wheel works perfect without issue. I mapped button 21 for Pitch trim down - mechanical, not servo; and button 22 Pitch trim up

- mechanical, not servo The amount of trim movement is perfect when looking at the trim wheel in the cockpit.

So who is to blame? Honeycomb or MSFS 2020?

I reported it in Zendesk 6 days ago but it wouldn’t hurt for them to hear it from a bunch of us I wouldn’t think. It might just move it up their priority list a little.

I’d love to report it but I got my Bravo after the update came out so I cannot tell how it behaved before the update. I have no comparison :-/

I found a button binding in the MSFS UI named “Cockpit Interaction - Increase” (something to that affect) has anyone gotten this to work? It didn’t seem to do anything when I tried it.

Wow that’s cool, if you have time at some point please let me know!

Thanks for testing this. I noticed the trim wheel works normally in DCS as well, so it’s likely something with MSFS.

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I hope this is not considered normal now.

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Since the trim wheel can be turned in any direction an infinite amount of turns. There is no upper or lower limit. There is an upper and lower limit for the trim itself but the wheel can still be turned at the trim limits.

Thanks for the reminder! Forgot I was going to look at this. OK, so I’m a beginner at FSUIPC, but I found this on page 26 of the user guide:

Ok, so it looks horrible, and I’ve no clue as to what Sbyte, Sword, Ubyte and Uword are, but, for me, this was a case of bung in what it says and hope for the best.

So follow the instructions above, and the entry box for the button assignment (remember it’s not an axis) for down/up rotation of the wheel looks like this in the FSUIPC box:




You can change the Decr/Incr numbers from 128 to any other value to increase or decrease sensitivity by changing the parameter box where it says “128/16383” and “128/-16383” - so change the 128 to something else - bigger numbers mean more movement for the rotation of the wheel (really press of the button).

That way you can make it as sensitive or insensitive as you want.

Remember, with the trim wheel, don’t check the “repeat while held” box

If you use Profile Specific settings, as I’ve done here, you can change the sensitivity of the wheel for each aircraft profile you have so the sensitivity is different for each plane if you want.

What all this translates to in my ini file is:
|23=PA,21,Cx42000BC0,xC0010080 -{offset sword decrement, offset 0BC0 (Decr=128, Limit=-16383)}-
|24=PA,22,Cx32000BC0,x3FFF0080 -{offset sword increment, offset 0BC0 (Incr=128, Limit=16383)}-

But that all gets added automatically! Just as well!

Hope that helps


When the Alpha and Bravo came out a problem was found for various switches with certain keybindings were sending too many button presses to MSFS. For example, on the Alpha it is very easy to leave the START switch in the switch position. It is supposed to be moved to ON when the engine starts. Leaving it in the START position continually sends the START keybinding for that button. The fix for this is for MSFS to accept the first button press and ignore anything after. But this fix wasn’t for one or two buttons but all the button assignments on the Alpha and Bravo.

Restoring the trim wheel operation prior to the update would break all the other buttons. And maybe that’s okay until a better solution is found.

That’s why I had the idea that Asobo might add a checkbox in the controller settings so we can chose which way a certain switch will work. Something like “pre-fix mode” or “continuous”.

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Hello everyone, thank you for your feedback.
This bug has been acknowledged and logged by the team!


Thanks for your ACK sir!

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