Honeycomb Bravo Trim Wheel Broken Since SU6

It still remains broken after all this time and I kindly ask that it be revisited. Please fix it.

Thank you.

I would not hold your breath waiting for a fix. I bought a program called SPAD.NEXT that totally fixes it. Directions are on the forum here if you search.

go to a video by Simhanger (sic)…explains ways to fix this.

I created a tutorial on how to use a couple other products to work around the issue.

Simhangar also created a video tutorial (linked in thread) and there is an updated package with profiles on flightsim.to (also linked in thread).

I should not have to pay extra for a feature that was working before. If MSFS wants to hand out coupons for free versions of SPAD.NEXT= Problem solved. It’s bovine scatology backwards and should be fixed. We should be trying to convince them to fix it, not provided temporary fixes, especially in this thread, ( there are many other threads which cover this issue whole heartedly including the fixes you are presenting here) which cost money, time and CPU cycles. It just not helpful to provide fixes here when we want them to actually fix it. That being said, I appreciate and thank you for your efforts to post fixes but we really need to concentrate on having MSFS fix it.


The basic problem is that the Bravo’s wheel actually maps to two buttons, for “up” and “down”. Currently in MSFS by default they will map to the electric pitch trim up/down buttons – however unlike real up/down buttons you cannot hold them down, they are momentary virtual presses.

They’ve gone up and down on the amount of trim – it used to be slow like it is now, and people complained so they made it faster, then other people complained about it being too fast, so they changed it back.

But fundamentally I don’t think they can usefully resolve it without adding a new control binding: instead of emulating electric trim up/down with the momentary presses, it should map to something that moves the trim up/down by a specific amount – AND THAT AMOUNT SHOULD BE CONFIGURABLE.

This would allow sensible mapping of the rotation of the physical wheel (via virtual button presses) into rotation of the virtual wheel, at a rate that’s good for what you’re flying and how you like to fly it.

I agree that Asobo should fix this. But honestly if you’re going to wait, you might have to wait a long time. Could be months, or years. I didn’t wait; I spent a handful of dollars on a program that gives me a lot of configurability in addition to this specific thing, and I’ve been enjoying flying the sim for months.

You can choose to be mad, or you can choose to have fun. Your pick.

What makes you think I’m mad ? Landing a 747 at Lukla now that’s mad. Seriously I’m not mad, just wanting the issue fixed as the sim progress. I thank you for you detailed explanation of the situation. A slider to set RATE would be ideal. Like I have said before, a game with no options is a game WITH NO OPTIONS. This would allow the user to set it to a rate they are comfortable with so everybody could find “the happy medium.” Options is a good thing, that’s what we need here as a fix. Thank you for your comments.


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Fixed as of Sim Update 10.