Honeycomb Bravo using with PMDG 737 Help Needed!

I just installed the B738 a few days ago and took first flight last evening. Am using Honeycomb Bravo throttle quadrant with a fairly basic 2-engine jet mode. After takeoff, I could not retract the landing gear as usual with the Bravo, nor could I figure out how to raise/lower the landing gear with my mouse pointer in the sim. Would appreciate it if someone could instruct me how to set up my Bravo for the PMDG 737-800 landing gear, and also how to unlock, lower, and raise the gear in the cockpit. Thanks! Also, watching a tutorial video showing inside the cockpit, the person’s mouse pointer, when touching a control or button, would cause them to light up. That doesn’t happen with my mouse. Any suggestions?


To fix Honeycomb Bravo Landing Gear lever.

  1. Go into controls option, select Honeycomb Throttle Quadrant, select filter to Assigned, choose Landing Gear.
  2. Choose Gear Up, clear the current input, now select an input and choose “button 32”, and for action type choose “On Release”, then validate. You will get a warning that it is already assigned, ignore it.
    3 choose Gear Down, clear the current input, select an input and choose “button 31”, and for action type choose “On Release”, then validate.

Source https://forum.pmdg.com/forum/main-forum/pmdg-737-for-msfs/general-discussion-no-support/178918-honeycomb-bravo-landing-gear-bug?p=184647#post184647

In MSFS there is a mode called LOCK mode.
The light you’re seeing is an indicator that LOCK mode is currently active and you can interact with the instrument.

You should check the cockpit interaction system settings.
Options > general options > accessibility > cockpit interaction system

Cockpit interactions

Added the new “Lock” interaction system:

  • Set active by default but can be reverted to “Legacy” in Options / General Options / Accessibility.
  • Tooltips are now displaying the instrument name, instrument values, and controls (dynamic depending of the device in use)
  • Using the cursor or the camera center pointer, you can highlight any interactive cockpit instrument.
  • Once highlighted, you can interact with the instrument:
    • If the instrument is simple (buttons, 2 positions switches), tapping Xbox Controller A or Mouse left button will interact with it.
      If the instrument is complex (knobs, levers…), tapping Xbox Controller A or holding Mouse left button will lock on it.
    • Once locked on an instrument, you can:
      • Use primary (Xbox Controller A/ Mouse left button), secondary (Xbox Controller X/ Mouse right button) or tertiary (Xbox Controller Y/ Mouse middle button) interactions.
      • Increase/ decrease the instrument (Xbox Controller LT/ RT or Mouse wheel)
      • Use gestures (Xbox Controller left stick or Mouse movements)
      • Unlock the instrument (Xbox Controller B or release Mouse left button)

Source https://forums.flightsimulator.com/t/microsoft-flight-simulator-available-today-on-xbox-series-x-s-and-xbox-game-pass/425795#cockpit-interactions-8