Honeycomb Configure Software Wont Install

I am trying to re-install both the MSFS & Xplane 11 versions of the Honeycomb configuration software.

The MSFS version opens and runs, it looks like its installing, click finish, then nothing happens

The Xplane version won’t even open as it keeps reporting a missing directory error.

I think they are both finding previous installations and that is the issue, but I have tried uninstalling from windows app manager (Windows 11) I can see the Honeycomb Config in the listing, but it wont delete the file.

Any help appreciated.

Do not own the hardware, but have a look at Spad.neXt as I know lots of people use that to configure the Honeycomb units.

Thanks, I already own Spad.Next, msfs & xplane edition, but I find it way too complicated.

Makes things even worse.

MSFS does not require Honeycomb configuration software

No, but it seems to be pretty good for setting things up vs the msfs internal controls option.

When It’s working that is !

I’ve never used it for FS.

Hi. I have the same issue with msfs. Did you find a solution?

Did you find one?

Hi. No. I appear to have a switch on the bravo hard configured to activate fuel pumps even though it is not configured in the game that way. I wanted to see if the honey comb software shows what that is but it just won’t load.
