Hello Everyone,
Now that I have gotten my honeycomb to fully registrer it’s axis, I now have ANOTHER FRUSTRATING problem, whenever I set the throttle to idle (IRL) MSFS puts my engines in reverse, I seriously need a fix, it’s almost unplayable.
I can’t taxi or anything, when I set it to idle, it reverses, I have to put the levers almsot in the middle of the axis to not go in reverse.
Hope someone knows a fix!
Kind Regards, David
I think I know what’s happening here! Your idle position is sitting above the detent (somewhere around 50% of the remaining range), and that’s because of how the Honeycomb Bravo’s throttle axis works.
Why This Happens:
- The Bravo throttle detent is NOT an analog input—anything below the detent does not change the axis reading at all.
- Instead, going below the detent presses a button (for Throttle 1, this is usually Button 24).
- If you’ve bound your throttle to “Throttle (0-100%)”, the sim interprets the entire axis range from -100 to 100, meaning:
- Your neutral ends up midway through the range (50%), not actually at the detent.
- You lose the lower half of your throttle range.
- Anything below the detent triggers reverse thrust mode, even if you don’t want it.
How to Fix It:
- Rebind your throttle axis to “Throttle Axis” instead of “Throttle (0-100%)”.
- Click the gear icon next to the binding and select “Invert Axis”—this ensures idle is properly aligned at the detent.
- Now your detent will act as a proper idle (0%), and full throttle will be 100%.
- Anything below the detent will engage reverse thrust mode, but it won’t apply power to it just yet.
How Reverse Thrust Works on the Bravo:
- Dropping the throttle past the detent toggles reverse thrust mode at 0% reverse power.
- To increase reverse thrust, move the throttle back up past the detent—this gives it power in reverse.
- To return to normal thrust, drop the throttle past the detent again, then bring it back up normally.
I’ve only had my Bravo for about a week, so maybe someone else has even more insight, but this is how I got mine to work “good enough” for now. Hopefully, this helps! Let me know if you need any more details.
As much as I would like this being the fix, unfortunately it’s not, it still goes in reverse when my levers are halfway.
Which aircraft(s) are you having the issue in? I’ve also just realized you’re using 2020, not sure if there are any differences there. I can attempt to load up 2020 in which ever aircraft you’re having the issue with and see if I can figure it out.
well, every aircraft sadly the idle detent is in the middle
But I mostly fly commercial jets, so I mean, you could test it out with the A380 or 320?
Hi David,
I suspect you have the wrong axis type assigned to your throttle levers. However, as each aircraft type can have a unique axis requirement we need to establish some basic set-up information.
Before I can offer any advice, it’s important to start from a known set of factors:
- Are you using the MS in-game settings to configure your Honeycomb Bravo throttle quadrant?
- If yes, then have you changes the default “Airplanes controls” profile assignment?
- If no, then what external app are you using; eg. SPAD.neXt, Axis & Ohs, etc.
Once we know this then we can work to a solution.
Unfortunately this is for the 2020 MSFS not the 2024, it does’nt work in msfs 2024 so that mgiht be a fix for thatr, but for now I need it fixed in 2020.
But thanks I will see if that helps in 2024
Sorry, I did read it was FS2020 then immediately forgot! 
Still, the questions are relevant; except for 2 which I changed below:
Are you using the MS in-game settings to configure your Honeycomb Bravo throttle quadrant?
If yes, then:
Are you using the “Default” profile or have you changed it?
If you’ve changed it, which event have you assigned to the Bravo quadrant’s throttle lever?
If no, then what external app are you using; eg. SPAD.neXt, Axis & Ohs, etc.
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Hey no worries,
I do use the ingame setting and I have configured everything with presets, it actually only works for prop planes really, which is interesting, but I have used spad.next and stuff, the axis works, it just goes into reverse without the input, I want the top of the Throttle axis to be forward, and the reverse thrust to only be applied when I move the levers below the detent.
If anything I could record a short video showing it so it might be easier to understand?
I ahared it via google drive, as you can see, halfway down it goes into reverse thrust, and now it doest even registrer the top half of the forward thrust and my throttle 1 is dekayed,nI honestly don’t know what to do at this point
The problem is that SPAD.next and windows registrers everything on the axis, the full axis, up and down, BUT MSFS doesn’t registrer the full axis, and jsut doesn’t let me go fulll thrust all the time, as well as going in reverse without me asking for it.
Thanks for offering the video on Google drive. Unfortunately, I can’t access it without compromising my identity. 
Instead, a couple of screen shots of your MSFS 2020 in-game Bravo throttle settings would be beneficial. If you could provide something similar to the one’s I posted earlier, that would be good. 
We need to be using the same aircraft too, so let me know which one: Airbus A320neo?
I’m trying to replicate the behaviour in MSFS 2020, to understand the cause.
These are the possible throttle axis controls options that should work:
Ensure no other buttons or axis are assigned! (Set the filter to “ALL” and scroll down the list of throttle events.)
The event “THROTTLE 1/2 AXIS” behaves like this:
- Lever fully forward = 100% forward thrust
- Lever half way down = 50% forward thrust
- Lever fully down = 0% forward thrust
The event “THROTTLE 1/2 AXIS (0 TO 100%)” behaves differently!
- Lever fully forward = 100% forward thrust
- Lever half way down = Zero thrust
- Lever fully down = 100% reverse thrust
Hey, I will look at that later, HOWEVER! I think I might have found my owns fix, I havent tried it yet, but I will try it later and see if it works and get back to tyou guys!
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