Does anyone else have this issue in MSFS with the honeycombe yoke? The roll axis very rarely goes back to the centre properly as in the video. The only time it does is when I push forward and back on the elevator axis which seems to make the software recognise the centre point on the roll axis. After flying a while and checking again or restarting the sim the issue is back.
Doesn’t seem to effect flying just noticeable in the sensitivity settings. I’ve calibrated the yoke properly a few times using the built in hardware calibration and also in Windows settings. Still the same. Not sure if it’s a hardware issue or an issue with MSFS only.
That’s definitely a calibration issue.
You have followed this -
Thats exactly what I thought as well when I first seen it but yes i’ve calibrated like in your link 3 times now and also the Windows Control panel calibration as well. I’m beginning to think there may be a faulty sensor on that axis. There is also that shaking showing with the cross in the windows calibration tool with the yoke centered and not being touched. A few pushes in and out of the elevator and the shaking stops but is back again after a few rotations of the roll axis.
Shaking or vibration on the axis is an issue with the potentiometer. It will need replacing…warranty?
That’s what I feared! I have just redone the calibration steps above and again in Windows and same shaking / off center result. I bought from Aerosoft at launch. I’ll see what my options are to get it fixed. Thanks for the help.
hm, no issues here. also bought via aerosoft some weeks ago. The only thing, I noticed is your deadzones at 0% - should be higher by default. If that doesnt help: there is a video on youtube for a very precise calibration:
and a follow up, that I couldn´t find
Thanks CPTRoth. I’ll give that a try. The yoke is just over a year old. I think I was one of the first to get one from Aerosoft and i’d heard reports that some of the very first batches had issues. In the meantime i’ve raised a ticket with Honeycomb to see what my options are. Thanks.
Its normal! mine does the same thing. Its a consequence of the rubber (memory effect) bungie cord i really wouldn’t worry about it. With these pots Its to be excepted im afraid, without setting dead zones. The solution would be hall sensors. I just set my deadzones to 1, no more issues. My yoke is a couple of months old.
Ah ok that makes sense! I did get a reply from Honeycomb and they said that they would happily send a replacement via Aerosoft but if its normal as you say then I’d rather not go to the trouble. Would be interesting to see how many others have this as I did think it could be just something to do with the design. Thanks.
I have the exact same thing and also already straight from the beginning of testing MSFS (alpha tester). My unit is from dec 2019.
Flying in MSFS is luckely no problem at all. The unit works perfect also in p3d and xp11. No problems at all. Maybe its indeed a “normal” behaviour.
Thanks wielxp, that’s good to know! It may well be just a normal behaviour. I did just try setting a dead zone as suggested above but I can still see the vibration / shaking of the dot on the sensitivity graph. But as you say, it doesn’t effect flying and works perfect in the sim.
Just as an update to this…I found the cause. I noticed wiggling the USB cord at the back of the yoke made a difference to the severity of the vibration behavior so I tried plugging in the Alpha Yoke cable directly into my motherboard rather than via a USB AC powered hub and the problem seems to be gone! Seems it does not like being connected via a USB hub (even if it is a powered one) and prefers the connection and power directly from the motherboard which makes sense and I wonder why I plugged the Alpha into the hub in the first place! Too many peripherals I suppose
USB-C Powered Hub(Well it can be). I purchased a Totu USB-C powered hub from Amazon, because my Logitech keyboard G910 kept just not responding, even when plugged into the PC, via a standard USB 3.1 port. Once I started using the USB-C connector, that stopped. Having the hub allows any stress on the port to be taken out, plus this particular HUB can run three monitors (must be powered-USB-c power adapter with male to males USB-C cable. It has audio port, and card reader slots. So far, everything I have plugged into it works top notch. The thing is aluminum so built tough. Very pleased with this little purchase. So if running out of ports see this link and if needed get one.
I’m having the same issue and just moved my usb to the computer instead of into a usb hub. We will see if that solves it.
Just to follow up on this… It turned out to be a fault with the unit itself as it came back after a while regardless of where the USB was plugged into. I eventually got a replacement under warranty and have not had any issues since.
Yep, the USB didn’t solve my problem either. But I found a solution at the X-plane forum.
Honeycomb Alpha Yoke Roll Axis unstable - HoneyComb Controllers - X-Plane.Org Forum
Since mine was out of warranty I took it apart and fixed it
===From arejax at XPlane 11 forum
On 10/28/2021 at 11:29 AM, arejax said:
I’ve had a breakthrough discovery on this issue. After dealing with the sloppy and dirty sensitivity I decided to take my yoke apart and see if I could clean or see anything. I discovered that when pushing or pulling on the yoke, the plug and cable for the ROLL potentiometer was moving on the circuit board because of the yoke travel. I took a small zip-tie and secured this cable to the others near it, so that when you push or pull on the yoke, the plug is not affected. My yoke is BETTER than new now, super sensitive and no more dirty twitching or off centering. I also sprayed my X and Y axis potentiometers with some contact cleaner while I was in there. Easy fix, hope it helps yours !
—Here is my finding using his idea. The post is waiting to be approved but everything is looking solid. —
Posted Sept 23, 2022
Wow arejax, great job! I had the same problem with MSFS 2020. When I looked at the roll axis sensitivity in MSFS 2020 for the Honeycomb flight yoke, I could see the dot jittering slightly to the left of center. During flight my plane would always roll a bit to the left unless I pushed the yoke forward then back. It would be good for a while, but I would start having problems again almost immediately. I reluctantly took the yoke apart. I noticed wires ties already on the cables you discussed but they weren’t tight. It also looked like the cable from the roll axis potentiometer was interfered with slightly when pushing the yoke forward. I readjusted this cable, so nothing touched it when I pushed the yoke fully forward and pulled it fully back. I then tightened the existing cable tie to hold the cables in place. Having the wire tie fairly close to the circuit board is important because I think the jittering was caused by even the slightest vibration on the long cable from the roll axis potentiometer as it was picked up at the circuit board cable connection. Having the cable restrained fairly close to the circuit board will help prevent the connector vibration at the circuit board.
Now, no more dot jitter. My roll axis is now perfectly centered. I wonder if Honeycomb saw your post and added the wire ties to solve this known problem, but I happened to get one that didn’t have the wire ties pull tight enough so the roll potentiometer wire and connection to the circuit board still vibrated enough to have a problem.
Great find! Thanks. Glad you got it sorted and I’m sure it’ll help others who may have issues with earlier units.
I’ve marked your post as the solution.
Thanks you for posting this. I’m not registered in x-plane’s forum, so If arejax is reading this, thanks so much man, I fixed it too, that 3 color cable plug to the circuit board was the issue. I pressed the white little plug hard towards the CB and applied hot glue to maintain the cable secure. I’t a new yoke now.
Having this same problem again. I’m at the point where I’m looking to divorce Honeycomb at this point. Will start the process of finding a new yoke. Just got the Boeing for Christmas, maybe I’ll just use that for GA as well.
Is there any trick with taking the Alpha Control apart?