Horizontal distortion - how can I eliminate this?

I could not upload a higher quality or longer video because of the size limits here. Can someone please tell me what those horizontal lines are that appear around the radios when I zoom in and out? What should I be doing to eliminate that distortion?

My rig: Intel i7-10700F - 32GB Memory - NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 Super 8GB. The game is on an SSD. Dieplay: Dell U3818DW

I experience this distortion no matter what resolution I run the display in.

I am new to PC hardware and am only using this rig for Flight Simulator so I can ‘practice’ when not doing real world flying (student pilot).

I have the same issue. That exact panel made me try to mess with my gpu settings. No real luck. I’ve found darker colored panels lessen the lines.

What do you mean by panel?

These bezels are done with 3d geometry, not flat 2d textures, which has some advantages and disadvantages.

The advantage is they look beautiful if you zoom way in and marvel at the nav/comms panels.

The disadvantage is that when they’re viewed at a distance where the bezel lines are about one pixel tall, there are major aliasing problems that can’t be solved with automatic mip-mapping/filtering like a flat texture. It has to draw actual polygons, and the antialiasing isn’t quite good enough to keep the line looking clean from frame to frame.

I think the only thing that can be done really is to use supersampling – set the render scaling setting over 100% so it renders at a higher resolution than your display, then scales it down more smoothly and consistently than the TAA antialiasing can do.

However this will MASSIVELY slow down your sim. At 4k if I switch scaling up to 200% (the max) my frame rate drops below 1 fps and it took me about 5 minutes of waiting for the screen to update to set it back down to 100% or 80% where I normally keep it. Be very careful with this setting!

More generally, double-check that your antialiasing setting is TAA, not any of the other values which all look much worse than TAA. But even at TAA at 4k resolution I see roughly the same effect when panning the cockpit view in the C152.

You may just have to live with it, alas. :slight_smile:

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