How are you preparing for helicopters for MSFS 2020?

How are you preparing for helicopters for MSFS 2020?

I am not coming from FSX days, so I am new to flight simulators. I am more of a GA guy and training with the C152/C172, but I have always had an interest in helicopters. To prepare for the upcoming 40th anniversary, I have been reading and reviewing the FAA Helicopter Flying Handbook ( and testing out the new features/improvements of the flight model in MSFS 2020 and learning to fly helicopters in other sims.

I am hoping to be able to master hovering and low flights to really enjoy the scenery to flight simulator and looking forward to see how Asobo can implement the rotorcraft flight model.

Any other helicopter fans out their? What are your go to resources and training?

Let me know what 3rd party developers you are following for upcoming helicopters as well!

Source Hype Performance Group H145 reaches version 1.0 (and another helicopter is teased) •

First of all:
Get the correct input devices:

VIRPIL EU - VPC MongoosT-50CM3 Base
VIRPIL EU - VPC MongoosT-50CM3 Base (

VIRPIL EU - VPC Rotor TCS Plus Base
VIRPIL EU - VPC Rotor TCS Plus Base (

VIRPIL EU - VPC Hawk-60 Collective Grip
VIRPIL EU - VPC Hawk-60 Collective Grip (

VIRPIL EU - VPC ACE-Torq Rudder Pedals
VIRPIL EU - VPC ACE-Torq Rudder Pedals (

Stick Grip and Stick Extension I already have along with throttle quadrant for aircraft and a set of VPC ACE Collection Pedals.

Once this is in house and mounted to the rig:
Fly, training, fly, training, fly, training.

Sources for training material:
The InterWeb

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Well thats a great investment and pretty penny. I have been getting by using the Honeycomb Alpha/Bravo and MFG Crosswind V3 pedals for now until I get save up enough for heli flight controls.

I could Google and look at YouTube, just trying to make discussion.

My Xbox controller will be fully charged with alternate controllers on standby.

Knob Creek, neat and a clean whisky glass are already alerted to DEFCON 2.

Morning finger exercises over the past 6 months have kept me brisk and nimble.

I am ready.


Should be interesting to see how they helicopters fly on an Xbox controller. The Dpad should be fun. I am sure they will have a easy version of the flight model as well.

I’m building a heli-pad in my back yard… hopefully it will appear on Bing maps soon


:joy::joy::joy: Nice one great idea :joy:

A useful feature of the Crosswind pedals, that i’ve used on existing MSFS helicopters like the FlyInside Bell 47G, is that you can completely disconnect the spring, making the pedals act more like those found in a helicopter.

If you haven’t already, maybe give it a try, as it could save you a bit of money and space on buying dedicated helicopter pedals.

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Well I’m looking forward to it but more so how third parties can benefit from the core CFD features to create even better (more accurately behaving) stuff.

I’ve flown a few choppers in the sim already and purchased a couple of the Payware offerings and enjoy them for a change of pace.

I do hope they can work fine with a HOTAS though! I really do not have space for proper controls on top of what I’ve already got in place.

Ah so THAT’S what you call it, hmm, good excuse :stuck_out_tongue:

Yea so we’ll be able to get a REALLY good look at why all the buildings are melting :slight_smile:
Maybe time for that firefighting chopper to get to work.


I totally forgot about that. I also noticed you can add rubber pieces to make it more like Cessna pedels or the Mustang pedals.

I knew about the hydraulic damperner to add to them for airliner.

I’ll have to try and remove the spring and see what happens.

"Well I’m looking forward to it but more so how third parties can benefit from the core CFD features to create even better (more accurately behaving) stuff.

I’ve flown a few choppers in the sim already and purchased a couple of the Payware offerings and enjoy them for a change of pace."

I’m confused how 3rd party developers can create a 3rd party helicopter but no rotorcraft flight model yet in the SDK.

Unless it’s floating on rails.

While bespoke helicopter controllers are going to provide a much more authentic experience than a HOTAS and rudder pedals they are not absolutely necessary. The MFG Crosswinds are a really good all-round option for flight sims that. I have my spring set pretty weak so the pedals light to use for helicopters but have just enough resistance for other aircraft. MFG also have a damper kit available for the pedals that would suite helicopter use even more.

As starting point it is worth having a joystick that you can either remove the centring spring from or compress the spring with cable ties so the spring does not return to centre. A centring spring for helicopters becomes tiring quite quickly and hinders very small control inputs needed with the cyclic.

I would say you are definitely right to be using other sims with good helicopter support (XP/DCS/Aerofly) right now. Like lots of other people I really hope when native helicopter support comes to MSFS that it will be a transformation and in time we will see high-quality third-party helicopters.


By using their own external flight model really, no doubt lack of native support in the sim does not make this easy and perhaps limits just how much can be achieved.

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I have been using simulators and flying helicopters for 20 years. I know several pilots, I have flown with them a lot. I experienced the best helicopter physics and flight dynamics in the DCS simulator. DCS UH 1 helicopter is the best. It is important that the pilot feels the inertia of the helicopter in the simulator. The helicopter must be driven continuously.

I will be very curious about the physics of the Asobo helicopter, the flight dynamics of helicopters. The most important thing is that the helicopters are able to fly sideways and backwards. For different turns, special maneuver combinations. I’m a little afraid that Asobo will be able to implement these.

I am thinking of these maneuvers and flight combinations:


Not quite.

You still have to decide on your choice of whisky :wink:

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Hope you get on well with the neighbours :slightly_smiling_face:

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PUMA X 5th generation Flight Controls – using these and very happy

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have two versions ( the wooden one (3th version) and the first all metal(4th version)) and very pleased with the metal one.
flying heli became better once using these… thinking of buying the new version because I think they use “hall sensors” input now? these magnetic contactless potentiometers? will be better, had to change already some in my 4th version.

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You haven’t tried any of the free ones then? Give it a bash - can’t hurt to try.

HPG H135 or Guimbal Cabri G2 are well worthy of installing.

Cabri: HCG Cabri G2 (40th Anniversary version!) for Microsoft Flight Simulator | MSFS

You need to run AirlandFS software for that one - load it after you start a flight and load the profile that comes in the Cabri package:

H135: HPG H135 Helicopter Project for Microsoft Flight Simulator | MSFS

Instructions on the pages for the other software you may need to run in the background and advisable control binds.

Also the Rotorsim Pilot Robinson R44 is meant to be good but I didn’t try that one.