How are you preparing for helicopters for MSFS 2020?

Well it seems that their already is a comment about the flight model for the H145 in MSFS 2020 and the comment is saying its not great.

@MarioH99 I’m not preparing, no need to.
Already flying freeware ones using external flight model (mostly H125 and R44).
Hoping that the Asobo flight model isn’t worse than what i already use.

Hopefully they add the Asobo helicopters to the beta so people can see how it is, and ideally fix any glaring issues prior to official launch…

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I am ready!


Flying a lot the Flyinside Bell 47. The MSFS scenery is beautiful when flying low and slow. Not so much when seen from the ground, but that’s ok, since you don’t spend so much time on the ground, do you?
I’m using a set of Virpil controls, and I’m happy with them, but I’ve flown countless hours with a simple Hotas rig rig before that, and it’s perfectly doable.
A couple of screenshots taken over Tokyo and Paris.

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wow… also included is the trim button :rofl:

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I’m really curious how the controls will be on the Xbox controller. It will require a completely different set of controls. I also hope including them will not bork aircraft controls in any way. It would suck to have to re-learn some new quirks.

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why ? … the axis are mainly same as in an airplane. You have to react faster and of course your “pedal”- axis is ( and must ) much more used ( at least if you not fly a coaxial rotor / double helix heli ).

The helicopter flight model in MSFS will be controllable with a gamepad… so I‘m not sure what I should prepare for? Not sure what everyone expects? A realistic helicopter experience? They don‘t even get the flightmodel for fixed wing aircraft right. :smile:

Haha the good old classic joystick. Love it!

the third-party-devs can still offer helis with its own flight-model.

I expect a bit more from “introducing helicopters” as only a new flight-model… about the additional buttons like trim we spoke already, but I expect heli-pads, missions, sling load, and all that things which bring me into the game :slight_smile:

PS: but yes… as we mentioned, there should not a special “prepare” necesary :laughing:

Yea and how can you make small corrections with a dPad? When you push a direction on the dPad and suddenly goes full swing from a twich in your hand.

I’m thinking the flight model from Asobo will break 3rd parties and the 3rd parties will eventually fix and adapt to Asobo changes.

Time will tell.

A, B collective. RT/LT yaw. Left stick rotate around vertical axis. Lots of Xbox games have helicopters.

Closed at the OP’s request.