How can i?

  1. How can i enjoy the sim right now when there are taxiway signs bigger than billboard signs?
  2. How can i enjoy the sim when there are hundreds of taxiway lights scattered everywhere?
  3. How can i enjoy the sim when my aircraft floats down the runway like a leaf on a summer’s day?
  4. How can i enjoy the sim when the icing effects block my view?
  5. How can i enjoy the sim for another month whilst all of the above is present?
  6. How can i change this title to… Now i can enjoy this sim because?
  1. How can I enjoy this forum when people post these rants?
  2. Maybe a report to Zendesk would be a better option?

Thanks for another worthless thread.

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I am afraid these are probably questions you will have to answer for yourself.

Good luck in your quest.