How could this AMAZING sim be improved?

Simple for me; Improve the Quality Control so that when Updates are released they’re not 1 Step Forward 2 Steps Back.

In future I want to be excited about an Update, not concerned about what it will break.

I never made it through the IFR check, if i remember correctly you had to fly an complicated VOR DME approach with zero visibility and no autopilot.

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I don’t see that as a problem. I think it should be generally good for aviation when non-pilots get interested in the field. I don’t think MSFS has ever had the mission for absolute realism in terms of what is simulated, but to entice people with aviation.

Absolutely, but I think this will take time I’m afraid. They promised to fix the turboprop simulation over 3 sim updates, with the last fix in SU7. Still there are issues with it and beta range is not implemented yet. Barely anything has been fixed in the turboprop simulation the last 6 months. For the piston engine, leaning the engine currently does not cause EGT to rise, which happens in real life. If you lean too much, the engine should be running rough. This does not happen in the sim. Also issues with MP barely rising when you reduce RPM, and opposite when you increase RPM. Crosswind take-offs are almost impossible due to everything being simulated in reverse.

Also, crosswind take-offs. For example a crosswind from the right requires left rudder and ailerons into the wind for take-off. Well, as the plane gains airspeed the rightt wing starts to lift which is completely opposite when you have wind correction applied during the take-off roll. This is especially evident on the Extra and the other aerobatic airplanes with powerful engines. I suspect this has to do with the prop effects being simulated way too strong or not simulated correctly. I don’t know.


“As real as it gets” its the mission statement. But you are right, pilots who want to train for real world aviation are most likely better of in x-plane (which is afik FAA approved), but non pilots should be able to be as close as possible to the experience of flying an airplane.

That’s an advertisement slogan, not a mission statement, as far as I know. The mission statement has more to do with inclusivism and making aviation accessible to everyone and promoting it.

In the PMDG DC-6 i think it does, maybe the sim can simulate it but it is left out of the default aircraft.

Possibly, I have tried it though, and was put off as a non-pilot. I still have it installed, but haven’t ran it for more than half a year.

Of course it’s a good thing to attract non-pilots to the sim and the world of flight simulation. The problem however, is getting through to the Asobo team to fix issues with the simulation when we are massively outnumbered by people demanding DX12, improved graphics, animated co-pilot next to you in high definition etc when the simulation is broken in many places and has its flaws. In my opinion they should get the simulation fixed before they do anything else. Once that is in place, only then should they start working on other issues and new features.

I guess PMDG is doing this outside the sim, or has their own custom logic for this.

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Not only to the sim, but generally to aviation. Some small minority might even take the big step and become real pilots inspired by this sim.

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Fix stutters on Xbox series x

Maybe, im not fluid in cooperate blabla, but like i said, i share your opinion, making aviation accessible is a good thing, but they should do it “as reals as it gets”

X-plane is nice, if you can fly in MSFS you can fly there as well, but it is, well… less accessible, for example you cant plan a flight without putting it into the FMC by hand.

Fix stutter issues would be great. Especially when landing in crowded cities. Xbox series x user

If you ask me the graphics are good as they are since the lod issues are fixed, as long as it runs with 30fps without stutter i dont care if it’s DX 11 or 12, for me personally even 20fps are enough in a civilian flightsim (but that’s just me who landed with 10fps on busy airports in FSX for years no matter on what hardware ).
And please no animated co-pilot who blocks half of the controls with his presence.

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I dont think I did that either! Never would we have imagined the wall of glass instrument panels would become back then.

I think this sums it up pretty well. I’m not a licensed pilot, but i have about 14-15 hrs of RW dual instruction time and have at least a little bit of an idea of how things work and feel in real life (at least in the Cessna 152/172). I’m certainly no expert by any means, but I am pleased to see there are still some real world pilots pushing for fixing the core FM issues. This sim has a ton of potential, but Asobo should focus more on the FM and weather and ATC instead of just more eye candy. I’m also still waiting for A2A Simulations to bring some of their magic to MSFS - I think they see the strong potential also and have the knowledge/drive to get workarounds to make things more realistic.

One thing that would be amazing is if the ATC audio was fixed so that it does not disappear completely part way through the flight.

Can’t follow ATC instructions if we can’t hear them, but I guess gamers probably turn off ATC anyway and so don’t notice this issue.

Well. I guess I have to wait until it is released to go back to flying. In the real sim those things still broken. Waiting for the patch. Do you fly VR. Did you notice any improvement in FPS?

You can now take part in the Beta also if you are a Steam user. I just started and haven’t noticed this issue anymore.