How do I copy and paste a flight plan into the PMDG folder in Windows 11?

How do I copy and paste a flight plan into PMDG folder?
It seems difficult to find inside Windows 11 pro.

I had a hard time searching for it.

Can someone help on this?



the routes are stored in the folder:

This is for the 737-700, depending on your version (please change x to your path/version):

PMDG Documentation

For more information on the PMDG .rte files, have a look at the PMDG_737_MSFS_Introduction.pdf; the .rte is described there on page 31, 117, 120-122 (737-700 documentation, please check for your version)


There are many videos on this topic, perhaps you would prefer a tutorial video.

Hope this helps,

Easiest way is to create the flightplan in simbrief and use simbrief exporter/downloader tool to select the 737 export directory (different one for each 737 variant). You can then just enjoy automation of flightplan exporting. You also need to export the wind data to the 737 WX directory. So-

Flight Plan file export to-

Wind file export to-

In the above example (from the simbrief downloader tool) #1 is export for the 737-700 and #2 is export for the 737-800