Dear all,
i am testing my new Pico 4 with MSFS.
my currently workflow is a following:
- enter Pico 4 Home
- start Virtual Deskstop
- launch SteamVR
- minimize steamVR and start MSFS inside virtual desktop
- set my flight
- after spawning in the gate/runway i enter VR with CRTL+TAB
I use VR mainly in start up, take off and landing. During cruise i prefer to switch back to my 2D monitor screen.
I come from a Reverb G2 which i last used 1 year ago. I remember only pressing the CRTL + Tab to switch back to 2D (my audio would also inmidialty change to my outside audio interface).
The Pico 4 seems to work different? after pressing the CRTL+TAB i go outside VR, take my headseat off and my monitor resolution is a different one. I also noticed that SteamVR is still running.
so my question is, what is the correct way to change back and forth between VR and then back to my 2D monitor screen? do i have to close fully steam VR?
Thanks to all!