How do I end a flight advice

Hi all, I’m new to flight simulators and I must say this game is just amazing, I im in love with it. I just have a question regarding ending the flight.
So I land and contact ground services, drive safely to my parking spot. Press shift Ctrl and E to switch the engine off, but my flight doesn’t end I have to press escape and end the flight that way. Id rather get a complete message or something. What am I doing wrong as I’m sure I am being new to this. This is in any plane by the way.
Many thanks for any pointers.

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No, thats flight sims for you. To end the flight, you press esc and return to the main menu.

A lot of simmers will land, refuel, load up the weights, and continue on, myself included, so im glad it doesnt just ‘end’.

There will be an entry in your logbook as well.

Sometimes the end of flight menu prompt does appear. Not sure how I triggered it, as I come with same expectation - it’s over when I deem it’s over, but it’s there somewhere.

I think I’ve parked at the indicated place and manually switched off the engines

I turn all engines off and turn all batteries off and it then brings up the menu to end flight.

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It ends when you park succesfully, hand brake on and engines shutdown…usually

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Yeah, that’s what I was thinking of haha - putting it back to cold and dark.

This works every time I have tried. Always best to have a complete flight planned in the world map planner. After landing. Have Tower direct you to Ground, ask Ground to direct you to park. Turn on Taxi Ribbon, to show you where to park. Follow it to the assigned parking space. You will see a blue square. Park in the blue square till it turns green. Once it turns green. Cut Fuel. You will get the flight finished window pop up. With choices to continue, main menu. Its nice to get the confirmation window, even though the sim logs it in your profile regardless.


Never knew this, cheers.

Yes thanks for this buddy much appreciated I do all that but I’ve never cut the fuel. And I agree it is nice to get some sort of confirmation. What do I press to cut the fuel by the way? Thanks

Cutting the batteries is what I forgot to do with the A320, took a while to realise what it was I had forgotten, many buttons to randomly click until all worked :slight_smile:

Depends what aircraft?

just look at the guy with the lolipops , approach till he crosses them then set parking and turn off plane ( engine off , battery off )

If I’m not going anywhere else, I cheat, and let the copilot taxi/park. He/she will shut down the aircraft, and that triggers the end screen. Doesn’t work at airports where there isn’t anywhere to taxi and park, like simple grass strips, but it works anywhere where there’s a place to park that I can tell.

I do this due to the sim having a habit of ctd after long flights, and losing my log entry if I just hit esc. :man_facepalming:

Yeah, I could just taxi and park myself, but for whatever reason that doesn’t always save me from the lost log entry, so…lol.

Thank You very much now i know.