How do I get rid of the exclamation marks on the World Map?

Cheers guys,

has anyone found a way to get rid off all the yellow exclamation marks on the main map? It must be hundreds of them in Europe, USA and Japan and you get crazy if you need to click on every single of them, often scroll in to hit the right spot. Is there a quicker way? Do I miss a setting somewhere? I really don’t bother flying to all of them and so easily find them. If they are there when I fly along, nice. But I don’t need them with every new world update.

What exclamation marks?

the yellow exclamation marks on the main map that mark new content like airports or landmarks and sights. It’s nice to see where some landmarks are but it’s extremely distracting if the whole map in tinted yellow. You can turn off the landmarks completely but not just the yellow excl. marks.

I have never noticed them.
Still maybe I am immune!
Have you tried the filter?

jup I went through all the filters and settings on the main map… for now all I seem to be able to do is click on them to delete the yellow patch :smiley: maybe I’ll do that by two at a time before every flight and evetually they’ll disappear lol

Clicking on them definitely works, but I know of no global way. I’m slowly working my way through them on the basis that someone took the time to build them, the least I could do is actually go visit them. It also encourages me to visit places I have never been to in the sim as well.

The exclamation marks are Landmarks, Cities and Fauna, and you can switch them off in the Filters window - but you have to switch them off again the next time you launch MSFS.
I’ve switched them off permanently, and switched navaids on permanently, by editing the WorldMapFilters.xml file with Notepad located here:


For example, change the word ON to OFF as shown below:

			<OnOff>ON</OnOff>                       <--- change this line

			<OnOff>OFF</OnOff>                     <--- Now it's off permanently!

thank you!!! I’ll do that!

Won’t that remove the landmarks entirely, not just the yellow indicator? They yellow mark is akin to an email being marked as unread. When you click on it, adding it to a plan, it becomes “read”, and the yellow indicator is removed.


Yeah, the Point of Interest marks grow and grow with every world update it seems.
I try to batter them down by visiting them but more appear.

What I would really like to see is for the star airports to vanish once they have been visited.
(Well, not the airport itself, but the yellow circle/star marker)

indeed it does. Hiding the landmarks completely is pityful but I’d rather hide them completely than being flashed by the yellow every day… One of the things that haven’t been thought to the end.

Exclamation get disabled as well when you visit the location, it’s there to see where is the new contents added with update.

The star actually tells you that you have an addon (or handcrafted) airport there. That’s something I personally like. But as with many other things, on/off switches are simply missing here.

The filter change just removes the indicator from your map. If you have no intention of buzzing about the world looking for pretty churches or giraffe grazing then they are becoming a source of intense clutter.

Funny enough, I don’t remember ever creating a IRL flight plan that included, CYEG DRCT BEAR IN THE BUSH DRCT PROVINCIAL LEGISLATURE.

I totally get the markers and why. I have VFR’d to specific locations to observe a unique landmark even IRL. Great chance to do some dead reckoning and flight to a general area to go rubberknecking. If you need a waypoint to get to Smashed In Head Buffalo Jump, then you probably missed some great scenery getting there.


lol yes I already used the sim map to look out for a nice turning point for a flight with our club’s Super Dimona :smiley:

An additional option to remove the ancilliary markers for airports would be welcome. Maybe multiple ones, like leaving starred ones on, but the tinkered ones off. I can’t remember what the little grey icon has it off the top of my head. They were the ones in-between autogen, and handcrafted.

Wow thank you, I cant wait to do this. I find those incredibly irritating and have no interest in them either.