How do i know the flying time from A to B with an specific aircraft?

hi guys, i need some idea on how to check the time i will be spending in the simulator with flying from A to B with a certain aircraft?

this is my workflow:

  • i decide first the aircraft i want to fly with
  • i then open the worldmap (in my case using navigraph) and see where i want to fly from and start looking for possible destinations. But for the destination i just want to make sure i spend a certain amount time flying that i know i can land safety before my kids start to yell at me :wink:

is there a way or trick so that i can know how much time i will be flying (supposing from cold & dark) with an specific aircraft from point A to B until shot down?


When you pick a departure and destination + plane, it will tell you in a big box on your route trace on the map how far it is and how long the flight should take from takeoff to landing with your current plane.

In this image I googled
 196 NM, 26 minutes

Although this is only an indication. I believe this time comes from assuming you fly the complete route on max crz, so always add at least 10-15mins for slower speeds during takeoff and decent

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Indeed. It’s an approximation. And in reality, in real life it will vary wildly as well. It may take you 30 mins to fly a route one day. Next day you’re flying it again with a strong headwind and it takes you 50% longer to get there.

Unless I’m terribly mistaken, I don’t think you can get any 100% accurate reading on that. It will always be an approximation that will vary based on how you fly and weather.

True. The only accurate flight time is the one filled on the logbook after the leg :joy:


thanks! ok, so as @AwesomeBlack533 writes, this means i have to add some time for take off and descent, but i guess also i need to add the extra time from starting in cold and dark, taxing and afterwards engine shut down
well i don’t need the exact time since it depends on many factors but just a rough estimation of how long i need to find an excuse with my wife :smirk:

If you’re starting cold and dark and using proper checklists and procedures, you’ll likely spend a minimum of 10-15 mins (potentially way more if in a more complex plane) just going through startup before you’re ever ready to radio in to request clearance or taxi. Factor in taxi time, run-up (if you bother with it), wait time in case you’re at a busy airport and have a lot of inbound / outbound traffic on the assigned runway, etc, and that can add a substantial amount of time to your total flight time.


When starting C&D, account an extra 30-45mins (depends how quick your flow is) for startup, checks and taxi


I hadn’t really realized how long this stuff took IRL, not being an actual pilot.

A couple of weeks ago, I put together a YouTube video of flying a C172 in my cockpit using checklists. The first 15 minutes are me just going through startup, setting radios and instruments, listening to ATIS, etc. Then I was ready to taxi and go to the run-up area. lol It’s only watching it afterwards that I realized how long boring that procedure is for others to watch.


Yep same here. For example with the CJ4, starting c&d, it’s bat on, ext pwr on, avionics to dispatch, file plan, tune radio for atis (only use P2ATC or IVAO), get clearance. And only then the FMC programming begins. At this point I’m already well over 10mins into flight already. After programming and calculations, we’re at 20-25min. And now it’s time for push and start. 5 more mins including before taxi checklist. 10 min taxi average. So around 40 minutes from starting untill positive rate, gear up

Yeah, I’d like to also have to manually enter the flight plan, but ATC will try to send my Cessna to FL320 if I do it that way instead of using the world map, so I forego that part for the time being. lol

Yeah that’s why I don’t use the default ATC since the sim was 2 weeks old :joy:


I’m working up the courage to get on Vatsim for that very reason

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Do it. It’s worth it. Just do your first few flights in a relative quit area so ATC has time to help you and don’t have to divert 10 planes for you.

And @FelipeTurbay I hope our little conversation here helped you out understanding how to calculate flight time in the sim


@AwesomeBlack533 haha yes, i have the same issues :slight_smile: i will go the +40 min on top of the indicated flight time in the world map :wink:

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I am hoping soon to release my free Flight Information window that has ETE and ETA on it that would work for any airplane that you have created a flight plan for on World View.

It does not take account of the time zone you are in. It only reports the time of landing using the time zone of the destination time zone. If you are doing simple VFR straight shot flights it works great to show the ETE for the last WP before approach.

ohh cool! looking forward to have a check on it! do you have some more information about it?

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I landed in Salem Oregon this morning using the latest release. Going into the fog with a 300’ foot minimum-sighting in the TBM was great fun. The Flight Info window helped immensely. Keeping it nicely at 85 kt Indicated Airspeed allowed me to float it in there perfectly. I am considering adding Vref with audible warnings built into it too. The Radio Altimeter does audible call-outs below 500 feet. “Any” aircraft. No more having to look around to find it on the display.

I’ve started editing my videos to just the interesting bits for exactly the same reason. It’s a hard balance to get right.


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