How do you delete or turn off rolling cache in MSFS 24?

In some screen shots I see it in the Data Menu. However I can only see 2 options:- Rolling Cache Limit & Rolling Cache Path? msfs-2024


The rolling cache is important so data that is streamed can be saved and optimized as needed. I would not recommend deleting it if you find a way or reducing the size. I actually increased mine to 50 and the same is much smoother.

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The reason I asked is I accidently set mine to 132gb which is too big. Can I delete it in windows & create it again?

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I think if you lower the amount allocated, it will adjust accordingly. Have you tried that?

It won’t let me lower it!

Do we know if there is an optimum rolling cache size? A size at which it is pointless and size at which it is unhelpful?

Xbox X


Oof. You may have to reinstall I would imagine.

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Reinstalling and wiping save files worked for me. Wasn’t much to lose.

I also accidently gave 100 GB and it take that size on my drive C immediately, and won’t let me lower it. Then I chose another location for Rollling Cache on another drive, it will automatically create the new default file with 16 GB there. Then I come back and delete the old one 100GB in MSFS roaming folder.


Deleted it in Windows. Loaded sim & created a new 32gb one! Seems good now!

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Interesting. I have a big disk and set it to 128. I hope this helps with the stuttering and that it caches my local areas where I fly. I have to say I have not noticed any help with the stuttering.

If it turns out it is a waste, I appreciate the idea of using another disk then deleting. Thanks.

EDIT: My whole install of 2020 was 305GB so 128 GB of cache does not both me if it works. I have to say things seem to have stabilized now on what day 3.

Since I could not reduce the size back to default (16GB) on my XBox S, I deleted the data manually.
After restart of the sim, the cache was re-created with default size and all initial data were download on first start (which took one hour, because the server still not perform :face_with_raised_eyebrow:).
The positive side effect is, that any corrupted data (plane models, etc) in the cache from the release date has been gone. However other data like the photos taken are gone also.
I hope that the data is now more stable and the “playability” will be better.

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Go to manage game and add one. Saved data, thing it’s 2 below the actual game, and you will see your profile name and saved data I believe. Delete that and it will reset it to 16. Anytime I have issues loading a long flight I do that exact thing and it works.

FWIW on Series X, and based on my experience in 2020 only (no official input), at least 32GB if you have that free space to spare on you Box has worked well for me both in 2020 and 24. Yesterday I bumped up to 64GB and it does not seem to make much difference in 24, but then again I have a very fast ethernet connection to the internet so it may not make much difference here, but maybe elsewhere? YMMV but do check to see how much free memory you have.

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How do I change the Rolling Cache for MSFS 2024 on XBOX. I’ve deleted the cache within the XBOX itself. But I’ve been unable to figure out how to go beyond that. There is no General/Data options menu.

Never mind. Got it. Online.

Has there been official guidance whether we need to clear the rolling cash after each update? This was the recommended procedure in MSFS 2020, but there is no button to do that in MSFS 2024. Or does the new simulator automatically recognize outdated files in the cache and remove them and/or replace them with new updated versions?