I fly the jetliners default (A320, B747 & B787) as well as Captain sims B777-200/300. I’ve looked on YouTube and all I’ve found is videos for flybywires A320, which obviously isn’t on XBOX and I’m not sure if watching those videos will help, and the Cessna. I’ve mastered the ILS approaches but I can’t figure out the RNAV and VOR/DME approaches. Do you need the latest charts for theses approaches, or is it case of pushing or turning a knob and letting the autopilot do it?
Im not certain that the default aircraft have the feature to shoot RNAV approaches…. But you should be able to follow the charts if you have them. Also the CS B777 use the native (default) B747 flight model and nav package, so you wont get much help from there…
As to use a VOR/DME approach, you’ll have to program the freq into your nav panel and again follow the charts…
Good luck.
The charts are fundamental for any kind of approach, without them you would not be able to understand what the AP does (when it works)
Zeanuck is correct. The default airliners do not support RNav or VNav.
I don’t know the stock 747 and 787 ( )
but the stock A320 manages to make an RNAV approach
VNAV actually is a pipe dream…
Thanks for the advice, I managed to do my first VOR/DME, I think its the headings on the charts thats getting me a little confused, guess I’ll learn to master it eventually like the ISL landings. Just one question though
As to use a VOR/DME approach, you’ll have to program the freq into your nav panel and again follow the charts…<
Do I have to push any of the buttons on the buttons on the FMS or the radio part, this was going into Madeira Airport LPMA, the VOR frequency matched the charts image|690x1068
Have a look at this:
A very basic VOR trainer
This one is the simplest to use, it supposed to be free when I was an instructor. Hope it still is, seems you need to login now :
Does VOR/DME enable glide slope like RNAV when you click the LOC or APP button?
A glide slope exists because there is a glide slope antenna transmitting a signal on an ILS approach providing vertical guidance. VOR only produces a signal for horizontal guidance and DME only provides distance information. On an RNAV approach, there is a GPS derived glide path. When pressing LOC, the GS will be ignored if there is one, even on an ILS approach. APP will do what LOC does in terms of horizontal guidance, but the GS will also be captured and flown to the ground when in APP mode.