How do you refer to MS Flight Simulator in conversation?

Geez buddy. Misery loves company I guess. Now I feel bad enough to break open my home bar and toss back a few in our honor!

It’s sorta funny cuz in conversations with people I’ve learned how to interject my love for aviation into conversation to see if anyone does so in return - nothing. I’d love to find someone around here that has a PPL and split the fuel bill but nope.

I’ve volunteered and actually worked in aircraft restoration (C-47) and would do the same here but as luck would have it seems like everything is up in the Twin Cities area (museums, restoration, etc.). Oh well, life goes on and there’s always flight simming!

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I try to cast out bait during conversation if and when I feel the time is right (which is always) about my love for aviation to see if it perks interest in anyone else, but so far after decades of doing so have failed to get a bite. Totally can relate to your post.

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I usually say FS when on the topic of FS2020, but I say FS2020 on other topics, or Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 to people who don’t know about it at all.

What is XP12 ?

Yes, sadly I think you’re right.
I find that anything scientific or technical in nature just causes that same glazed over look in others that I have witnessed all my life.

I found out a couple of weeks ago that my own mother had no idea that our sun is a star!
I love my mum dearly, but this is a level of ignorance that is hard to understand or forgive. A level of ignorance, I might add, that is endemic at a societal level!
At the root of this is the fact that whilst people are happy enough to believe all manner of nonsense, they have little [if any] idea, or inclination to learn, about the reality that IS!

I accept that to use a radio one doesn’t need to know how it works.
But where has all the curiosity, that demands an answer to that question, gone!

Let us endevour to stay curious, my friend.

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It’s OK - it works out. My wife also has the capacity to get obsessed by things and we share some of them - it’s sort of a Venn diagram. Aviation isn’t one of the shared ones but at least she gets the dynamic, so that’s something.

I share the DC-3 religion. Not an aviation professional but I did some minor testing for Manfred. The only one that lives in my backyard is Clipper Tabitha May. I should get up to your neighborhood someday, or at least make the pilgrimage to Basler.

If the sim needs a name, I think you’d need to go a long way to beat “Derek”.



Bing maps simulator.

When boring my wife about a flight, I say “Flight Simulator” or “Flight Sim”. When talking about it online in a forum or something, MSFS. Posting screenshots on Facebook where none of my friends play, “Microsoft Flight Simulator”.

Msfs or microsoft flight simulator

Flight Simulator

Aside from this sim, I think people are only using FSX, X-Plane or P3D, so there’s nothing else with the same name

Thanks for all of the replies!